the tianocore/coreboot lets you unlock your own bios, force igpu only without that locked out/read only nvram, boot in text mode file selector, disable bprochot (for removed/bad battery), make your own custom edits/additions to the bios, know what gets run without reverse enginner bios, disable PR0/PR1 protection completely. I find it easier to know if my bios is working because I don't have to wait for the ? logo or have to hold alt to show something.. then there is usb debug messages output for macbookpro10,1... maybe intergate opencore/lilu/WEG into the flash someday, since the original macbook bios is outdated and apple have no plans to update it. and maybe help out the coreboot/tianocore community at the same time.. sorry for the run-on.. I will post it someday.. but will post faster if there is some interest for this