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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jan 21, 2007
Heaven or Hell
Can someone tell me how to write an HTML email ?

i have to make a very simple HMTL email with a small Jpg
and some simple text.....
I have always had to do this on a PC... outlook express has an HTML tab where you can paste in source code and make a proper multi-part mime messages.

If you drag content into apple mail (at least in older versions), the HTML is attached at the bottom...
I've always just made an HTML with direct links and no CSS (old school html) and posted it on a webserver. Navigated to that site in Safari and pressed Command-i. THat posts the webpage as the content of an email message in Mail. Pretty sweet, and Free!

He was saying that he doesn't use CSS, just strict 'old school HTML'..

This is smart. Many email programs strip away the head of your HTML, so if you have used CSS rules that were defined in the head of the document, they are now gone.

CSS should be placed inline with the elements (a big no-no in webpage design, but a necessary evil in HTML email construction)
HTML emails can be a fairly complex thing because they have their own set of rules different from web design. The html has to be a lot stricter (ie little to no css), you have to provide an alternate text version, you have to design against being marked as spam, etc.

A program like Constant Contact or Mailchimp will also help you generate, deploy and manage emails and contact lists and track clickthroughs and opt-outs and such. I used to hate CC and love Mailchimp until I realized CC will let you paste in completely custom email source, which swung me back in that direction. I would recommend looking into this as it's like 15 bucks a month if you are sending to less that 500 recipients.

Both of these services also provide nice thick manuals you can download with a lot of tips and tricks for effective html email design. I would recommend you check these out regardless of whether or not you use the service.
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