Hi, I'm the author of Solitaire City .... someone sent me an e-mail today saying that the sound effects crackle when playing Solitaire City on his new 2nd generation iPod Touch that has the new 2.1 firmware pre-installed. It happens through both his speakers and his headphones. Could someone please download my free "Solitaire City Lite" version from the App Store and test it on their 2nd generation iPod Touch and post back to let me know whether this is a widespread problem or whether he has a duff iPod ? Apparently the new 2nd generation iPods with the speakers use a slightly different firmware - 2.1.1 (5F138) to the 1st generation iPod Touch 2.1 (5F137) which is the one I own (and sound works fine) so there's a chance that there's a problem with the 2.1.1 firmware which Apple might have to fix, or at least advise me on a workaround.
Thanks !
Thanks !