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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 16, 2006
Right here
Having used the original Logitech Marble FX Trackman on PCs for almost 10 years now (and still loving it), I went out and bought the four-button version of Logitech Marble Mouse (which is actually a trackball despite the misleading name) after reading numerous raving reviews from many users. Installation went smoothly. When I tried to configure the mouse button settings via System Preferences/Logitech Control Center (LCC), that's when I ran into a problem. It seems the LCC pane was only designed for the older version of OS X as it wouldn't let me run the config from my current version 10.4.6. Because of this, I am able to use only two of the four buttons.

I visited Logitech website for LCC update for OS X 10.4.6 but none were found. For those of you who own the Marble Mouse and runs OS X 10.4.x, is there anything we can do to restore full functionality to all four buttons?

Nevermind. I'm a retard. It turns out that Logitech website does have an update for current version of 10.4.x but I didn't see it the first time I visited the site. How do I delete this post? I don't see a delete function anywhere.
I'm using the Universal version of LCC 2.0.0 on my iMac G4. It works just fine on 10.4.7 and my Marble Mouse. I love the scroll buttons but I really wish I had a wheel.
I use a logitech MX 1000 laser mouse that I had problems with drivers but they finally put some out please keep checking
imac abuser said:
I use a logitech MX 1000 laser mouse that I had problems with drivers but they finally put some out please keep checking
Speaking of laser mouse, why aren't there any laser trackballs?? Laser trackballs are as elusive as multiple-button apple mouse.

I don't know about others, but since I started using trackballs 10 years ago, I can't go back to mouse.
wow that's wierd I always feel like a trackball is wasted effort and motion but to each his own :)
imac abuser said:
wow that's wierd I always feel like a trackball is wasted effort and motion but to each his own :)

A mouse is more likely to be a pain on a desk with little room, especially if it's corded.

I just wish there were more good trackball options. I've been using one since about 1991.
I cannot stand for the track ball! I had a boss that used one and every time he had a problem with his PC I wanted to chunk that thing. IMO it's not a productive productive tool. I understand that people have their own tastes though I just have a personal problem with it.:)
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