I CANNOT, for the LIFE OF ME, figure out how to name my stupid document! All my crap is in the cloud apparently, so when I click the documents thing at the top left, where you could normally name it in the drop-down, all I get it other crap and not the option to name the document.
Seriously, I’m about to lose my mind.
And it doesn’t help that every time I type a capital I on my keyboard, it automatically changes it to this - I️ - unless I hit the little x next to it when it pops up.
What is going on? I’m about to throw this iPP through a damn window.
Seriously, I’m about to lose my mind.
And it doesn’t help that every time I type a capital I on my keyboard, it automatically changes it to this - I️ - unless I hit the little x next to it when it pops up.
What is going on? I’m about to throw this iPP through a damn window.