I took delivery of my 21.5 ATI Imac two days ago and while I love it, part of me is tempted to swap it for a 27 inch i5 while I'm still within my two-weeks that allows for returns. I initially opted for the 21.5 because I was sure that it would be murder working on a large 27 inch screen, but now that I'm playing with my Imac, I'm feeling that I could easily go larger - just not sure about going THAT much larger. Also really want the better specs.
For those of you who own 27 inch machines, do you find it too large for simple things like writing Word documents etc? Also, do web sites look soft of badly-defined when enlarged so big? I'm sure the machines are incredible for photo and video editing, which I do, but I want to make sure they're appropriate for everything from mild to wild. Feedback?
For those of you who own 27 inch machines, do you find it too large for simple things like writing Word documents etc? Also, do web sites look soft of badly-defined when enlarged so big? I'm sure the machines are incredible for photo and video editing, which I do, but I want to make sure they're appropriate for everything from mild to wild. Feedback?