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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 8, 2009
For the iPhone 3G they had a place on where you can check if each iPhone (of different GB) is in stock or not.
Are they doing this with the iPad 3G?
I am going to exchange my 32 GB 3G iPad for a 64 GB.
The manager is going to decide if they are going to have restocking fee for it.
I called my Apple Store and they are sold out right now.
I don't want too keep calling every day because I was literally on hold for 20 mins last time I called.
no, but you can reserve one by calling, going into the store, or going to

When I press next after selecting the store I'd like to pick the iPad at, it takes me to a page with the "choose a product" tab and "select an iPad" and "Choose products on the left to add them to your reservation. You'll pay when you come in to pick them up."
That's it, nothing else, there's no where to select what iPad you want and if you retry you get a "Unable to connect to server.
We're sorry, but we were unable to connect to the server. Please click the button below to try again, or come back later.

Try again"

Anyone know how to fix this?
For now what you can do is visit a retail store and get on a Mac there with a specialist. They will direct you to the notify page where you login with your apple ID and reserve an iPad. You get an email when it's ready to be picked up. No prepay or anything else.

I did this and when I got home I tried searching for that notify page and could not find it. It seems to only work on the macs in the stores.

There was a stock notification on the retail pages for iPhone in the past. It was updated every night at 9pm. Maybe we will see the same thing soon for iPad.
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