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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 22, 2009
Hey guys,

Got a rev b. MBA last week and am pretty happy with it, as a whole. I installed coolbook a couple days ago, using some settings I found here on the forum, but my temperatures seem the same. Would applying some Arctic Silver cool things down a bit?


NC MacGuy

macrumors 603
Feb 9, 2005
The good side of the grass.
It depends on your temps. They should hover running Word and light Safari surfing in the 50ºC's. That's no YouTube or vid's playing.

If hotter all the time, maybe. The Air is very susceptible to heat by any light blocking of the bottom air vents too. Make sure those are always unblocked or the heat will get up there rather quickly and fan will be pegged at 6200rpm.


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
I didn't notice any difference when I did mine, seems like a placebo effect. My Air runs hot sometimes, I just accept this. It never slows down or freezes like some others do, even when I'm hammering it. But I do get slight stutters when watching any video regardless of temperature.

It makes a HUGE difference if the port where the fan blows is blocked or open though. But even if I lay the Air on a comforter for example and mistakenly block the fan, it gets hot to a point but not that bad IMO.

NC MacGuy

macrumors 603
Feb 9, 2005
The good side of the grass.
It makes a HUGE difference if the port where the fan blows is blocked or open though. But even if I lay the Air on a comforter for example and mistakenly block the fan, it gets hot to a point but not that bad IMO.

That is something I'd like to see changed in the next Air revision. The Air vents below kind of really sucks design-wise.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
It is kinda hard for the vents to be placed elsewhere and still have that aspiring look.

I redid my thermal paste (after they replaced my logic board) yesterday. I'm not using Arctic Silver 5, but Ceramique. My temps aren't any lower than they were before, but my fans seems to be a little better, a degree or two at best. However at max load (cause I do, do folding on this), I see a 10 deg C drop in temps.

NC MacGuy

macrumors 603
Feb 9, 2005
The good side of the grass.
It is kinda hard for the vents to be placed elsewhere and still have that aspiring look.

I redid my thermal paste (after they replaced my logic board) yesterday. I'm not using Arctic Silver 5, but Ceramique. My temps aren't any lower than they were before, but my fans seems to be a little better, a degree or two at best. However at max load (cause I do, do folding on this), I see a 10 deg C drop in temps.

And that's where it really helps. It also takes a few good thermal cycles to really break in.

The vents for the MBP's are in the display hinge recess and totally hidden. Having the vents on the bottom I can understand from thermal design standpoint but it makes it hard to use the Air as it was intended. For me, laying in bed surfing.;)


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
And that's where it really helps. It also takes a few good thermal cycles to really break in.

The vents for the MBP's are in the display hinge recess and totally hidden. Having the vents on the bottom I can understand from thermal design standpoint but it makes it hard to use the Air as it was intended. For me, laying in bed surfing.;)

Yep. I do the same in bed :D But honestly, where else can the vents be located? I don't see a place where they can redo the vents... maybe make it a little bigger with the current location?


macrumors G4
Jun 11, 2009
Yes let's hope they fix this. One of my favorite activities is lying in bed while the wife vegges out on Dances with the stars, and browsing my Air. But it's a pain since it's on a comforter and I have to really be aware of where the air flow is.

That is something I'd like to see changed in the next Air revision. The Air vents below kind of really sucks design-wise.


macrumors 6502
Oct 25, 2007
Please don't tear apart your computer just to reapply thermal paste. I wouldn't recommend taking computers apart just for the heck of it. It introduces a possibility of error. The MacBook Air's internals are delicate!

If you like to use the computer in bed, get a firm, flat pad and place the computer on this pad. Modern Macs are meant to be used on a flat, firm surface. Especially MacBook Airs—just look at where the exhaust vents are!

Your computer will get hot. It's designed to get hot.


Sep 19, 2008
I just took my MBA apart yesterday to upgrade the stock SSD to a Runcore. I forgot how crammed and tight everything is in there.

I helped a friend reapply thermal paste once and it was a difficult job for the average person. If you're going to attempt such a thing, I suggest a big table when nobody else is home. Also, draw out a diagram of the MBA as you start removing screws, and put each screw on the proper place of the diagram... this is key to getting it all back together properly.

When applying thermal paste use about 1/10 what you think would be sufficient. It really goes a long ways. Also, be sure to have alcohol to clean off the original mess.

And yes it helps, I would say 10 degrees lower CPU temperature can be had by applying Arctic Silver PROPERLY.

Good luck!
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