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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 8, 2003
i am awaitng delivery of my powerbook, and had this question:

i'm going to pick up final cut express, $99 is a great price, and wanted to know do i still need to keep i-movie on the HD?

i'm coming from a windows world where some programs are dont necessarily work well together or even need to be there in order to function properly. i am a neat freak and like to keep only the essential software on my computer;)

does final cut express have DVD-authoring software or will i have to migrate what ive done in FCE to Imovie?

can i delete some of the photo and movie i-apps if i have better programs i would like to replace them with?

thanks in advance

you can delete imovie

If you are familiar with video edting then delete imovie. I use to swear by imovie. I switched to final cut express, and now I can't stand imovie.

Having iMoive and Final Cute Express on the same hd won't cause any problems.

You can delete iphoto, and imovie and anything else if you have a better program for it. Even though I use photoshop to edit a lot of pics, I love iPhoto's red-eye reduction, casue it works great 90% of the time. iPhoto has some nice features and some annoying features. I use iPhoto to publish photos on my .mac account, and ordering photos.

If you want to make a DVD, and you will need iDVD or apple's pro software. I know there are others, but I am not that familiar with them. You will export the movie from final cut express and open it in iDVD. There is a a tutorial at you should check out

Hope this answers your questions
Re: you can delete imovie

Originally posted by jermsmingy
If you want to make a DVD, and you will need iDVD or apple's pro software. I know there are others, but I am not that familiar with them. You will export the movie from final cut express and open it in iDVD. There is a a tutorial at you should check out

in regards to the above above quote, i will be getting toast platinum, will that eliminate the need for imovie then? any input on that pro version dvd authoring tool that apple offers? the reason why i am so adiment about imovie's removal is used it in college and just hated it.

thanks a lot for the prompt and immediate response. yeah i think once i get it i will rid myself of iphoto, as i use photoshop anyways.
Re: Re: you can delete imovie

Originally posted by justswitched
in regards to the above above quote, i will be getting toast platinum, will that eliminate the need for imovie then? any input on that pro version dvd authoring tool that apple offers? the reason why i am so adiment about imovie's removal is used it in college and just hated it.

thanks a lot for the prompt and immediate response. yeah i think once i get it i will rid myself of iphoto, as i use photoshop anyways.

If you don't like iMovie don't use it. And Toast is a completely different kind of app than iMovie. Did you mean iDVD? iMovie allows you to edit video. iDVD allows you to author DVDs. What input are you looking for in regards to DVD Studio Pro? iDVD is a very good DVD authoring program. I suggest you try it out before thinking about DVD SP.

thanks lethal wolfe, that clarified it for me. i will just get rid of imovie and keep idvd. and the rest of the i apps i have better alternatives the only thing is waiting for this damn powerbook to get here:mad:
You will need DVD software. I love FCE but i keep imovie around simply because its fast and easy PLUS it has a workaround to use itunes music purchases in FCE. I would say keep imovie, why not? it won't hurt anything. iDVD is a great program, i once downloaded dvd studio pro (to seriously try it out folks) and i uninstalled it cause i found iDVD more than what i needed.
Originally posted by robotrenegade
I don't think it does. iMovie is still good for fast easy projects.

I agree, iMovie is a GREAT application. Keep it for those fast, easy, and dirty projects you do. Final Cut Express is nice, but it takes more time. More time=a better product, but it (to be redundant) DOES take "more time".

I still swear my iMovie, but I am working on moving to Final Cut Express.
Originally posted by justswitched
thanks lethal wolfe, that clarified it for me. i will just get rid of imovie and keep idvd. and the rest of the i apps i have better alternatives the only thing is waiting for this damn powerbook to get here:mad:

You have something better than iTunes?:eek: ;)


don't be too hasty in looking to replace any of the iApps. I switched 3 months ago and dismissed them as way over-rated.

Now I use them all quite a lot. Oh, except for iMovie! I think it's an excellent product too but I wanted to do more so have FCE. But there are some things it does better than FCE, so I also think there will be times i will still use it.

- iTunes is the easiest ripper and burner I've used.
- iPhoto is good but probably really shines when you have a digital camera (which I don't)
- Safari (the "i"'s on the end!) is my browser of choice and I've never had significant page rendering problems though it can't do https pages when it's behind a firewall so I use iCab then.
- iDVD I only used for the first time on the weekend but it worked a treat.
- iCal... I can only laugh at myself. This app I dismissed ages ago as just another calendar. Ha! I rediscovered it 2 weeks ago and now have 21 calendars! I reckon it is a good enough reason alone to switch - and I am switching my wife for that reason. (well, i'm switching her PC to Mac that is!)

For me the only useless app on OSX is Sherlock. But then it doesn't have an "i" in it.

The thing that sets iApps apart is their user-friendliness. I wasn't big on any of the functions the iApps provide when I was a PC user. Ripping CDs was probably the thing I'd done most. But the iApps have totally changed me as they've made all these processes so simple.
I got FCE with my new G5. I still use iMovie to import clips from my minidv cam and to trim the clips. I use FCE for everything else. I like how iMovie makes clips AND most importantly, after I trim, I can easily delete clips I don't like and junk video. FCE does not seem as good as iMovie for getting rid of excess video.

I guess ideally you would use the tools in FCE to only import the clips you want, but I find it easier to press import in iMovie and do something else for an hour.

As mentioned earlier, iMovie is also nice for creating audio clips of Protected ITMS content, export them as DV and use them as soundtracks in FCE.

Dumping iMovie will not get you that much disk space, I don't think it is worth getting rid of.
iMovie is fun to play around w/too. Even though I have FCP for the occasional freelance stuff and Avid at work I still toy around w/iMovie every now and then for the hell of it. Recently I took some w/my quicktimes w/my Canon S50 still camera and stitched those together in iMovie just for the hell of it.

Plus knowing my way around iMovie lets me help people who are having trouble and I can talk intelligently about it to critics or potential switchers.

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