I have a 2.4 Ghz wireless landline phone that often interferes with my wifi connection from my imac to my airport express.
Sometimes turning on interference robustness on the imac before the phone rings solves the sudden disconnection problem I have. Mostly it doesn't. Does having interference robustness on slowdown my connection? If it doesn't, then why is it an option? Shouldn't it be turned on all the time? Do they have it as an option over an energy conservation issue (i.e. it draws a lot of power)?
To edit my post, I've done a lot of searching on the subject, and turned up a lot of info specifically on microwave oven interference. However, I could find no info confirming that enabling robustness will reduce interference from 2.4 Ghz phones, nor could I confim exactly how interference robustness will reduce signal range or speed, if indeed it will have any detrimental effect at all.
Sometimes turning on interference robustness on the imac before the phone rings solves the sudden disconnection problem I have. Mostly it doesn't. Does having interference robustness on slowdown my connection? If it doesn't, then why is it an option? Shouldn't it be turned on all the time? Do they have it as an option over an energy conservation issue (i.e. it draws a lot of power)?
To edit my post, I've done a lot of searching on the subject, and turned up a lot of info specifically on microwave oven interference. However, I could find no info confirming that enabling robustness will reduce interference from 2.4 Ghz phones, nor could I confim exactly how interference robustness will reduce signal range or speed, if indeed it will have any detrimental effect at all.