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macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
Location Location Location
Yeah, and that edited copy is like twice compressed. Well, it's uncompressed, edited on, and then compressed again........erm, or something like that. Either way it's not good. Don't go back and make small edits too many times.


macrumors 65816
Mar 3, 2004
Canada's South Coast
iPhoto uses some sort of black magic to compress the originals into the thumbnails. However the originals remain untouched when they are imported from your camera.


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
Yes and no.

lamina said:
When importing images with iPhoto, does it compress them?

All JPG files are compressed. iPhoto writes JPG files so therefore it writes compressed files. But iPhoto does nothing different then other programs that write JPG files. iPhoto can also work with formats that are not compressed. It can read RAW format images and write TIFF files.
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