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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 15, 2009
I am new to Iphone and Iphone hacking. I am getting my iphone tomorrow. I have been talking to people about jailbreaking it, and they tell me that it slows down the system significantly.. Is this true?

Is there a definite speed hit on the phone once it is jailbroken? Or is it relatively the same?
I am new to Iphone and Iphone hacking. I am getting my iphone tomorrow. I have been talking to people about jailbreaking it, and they tell me that it slows down the system significantly.. Is this true?

Is there a definite speed hit on the phone once it is jailbroken? Or is it relatively the same?

i havnt noticed any differance at all!! on the 3G or the 3GS i dont know what all these other people are talking about
When I would jailbreak my iphone 2g, Ipod Touch first generation, and my Iphone 3g tey would always get bits an pieces of lag that really added up and forced me to leave the jailbreaking community. But I just recently jailbroke my 3GS and the beefed up processors REALLY make a difference! There is no extended lag at all and now my phone feels functional unlike other jailbreaks!
Also is there a high likelihood of crashing with the jailbreaking? Or is it pretty stable?
JB on the 3GS will not affect the speed of the phone, the apps you run will cause the slowness if any. I have been running JB since it was released and I run many apps from cydia and have not noticed any degraded service. I just installed the new winterboard so i will know tomorrow how it has affected the phone but don't think it should be to bad since I ran it just fine on my 3G and the 3GS has more resources.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

I just installed MobileSubstrate and Winterboard and there is an OBVIOUS slowdown. If anyone has any doubts, I'd be happy to post a video to YouTube comparing both of my 3GS' side-by-side. It will be obvious as soon as they boot, which one is vanilla and which one is jailbroken. The jailbroken one takes about ten seconds longer to boot, and opening individual apps (Mail, Settings, Photos, etc) takes slightly longer as well.

That said, it's not enough of a difference to make me want to get rid of WinterBoard and SBSettings and Notifier. ;) ... The jailbroken 3GS is still slightly faster than a vanilla iPod 2G, which is MUCH faster than a vanilla 3G, which is faster than a jailbroken 3G. In other words, even though there is a perceptible slowdown - slight, but perceptible - when jailbreaking the 3GS and running custom themes, etc, it's still quite fast and much better than a stock 3G, let alone a jailbroken one.
I don't have winterboard and my phone's the same speed it was before.
Not to belabor the point, but unless you have a vanilla 3GS to compare your jailbroken one to, side by side, your perception of speed pre- and post-jailbreak is not exactly what I'd call a highly reliable source ... ;)
I do have a reliable understanding of the word "obvious".
That's certainly a good start. It's just frustrating to see people claiming that their phones are as fast jailbroken as they were vanilla. Of course, if you install absolutely NOTHING through Cydia, that might be true. But then, what's the point of jailbreaking if you aren't actually going to install anything?
I just JB for backgrounder.

I stay away from theming because I know once I start it'll be hard to stop.
It hasn't for me thus far. Backgrounder on the 3GS is pure amazing.
I opened Quickoffice four hours ago and totally forgot about it until a few minutes ago.
has anyone figured out how to run g-map or any other audio app with slacker or pandora? i dont know if this is an app issue or a phone issue, but i cant listen to music and use g-maps when both are running in the background. i am starting to think its a g-map issue because real racking works with its audio with slacker. i hope they fix this soon!
There's a performance hit after Jailbeaking my 3GS, it's to be expected as it was on the regular 3G.. It's not nearly as snappy as it was, but the 3gs post-jailbreak is definately faster than a 3g-post jailbreak.. it's still fast, just not as much ;) The extra ram is definately going to ease the pain of the issues we ran into on the regular 3g. I just jailbreak for sbsettings and for custom UI sounds mostly but after installing the mobilesubstrate (which is what really slows down the OS) it's a tad slower than it was before.
A bit of a slowdown here, mostly on startup. Nothing like it was on my 2g however. The slowdown occurred after I installed the new mobilesubstrate file.
i havent jailbroken my 3gs yet. i did jb my 3g, and the speed slowed a liiiiitttle bit. wasn't intolerable, but was noticeable.

i'm betting the 3gs will improve on that significantly because of the processor.
Wirelessly posted (iPhone 3GS (White, 32GB): Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

I just installed MobileSubstrate and Winterboard and there is an OBVIOUS slowdown. If anyone has any doubts, I'd be happy to post a video to YouTube comparing both of my 3GS' side-by-side. It will be obvious as soon as they boot, which one is vanilla and which one is jailbroken. The jailbroken one takes about ten seconds longer to boot, and opening individual apps (Mail, Settings, Photos, etc) takes slightly longer as well.

That said, it's not enough of a difference to make me want to get rid of WinterBoard and SBSettings and Notifier. ;) ... The jailbroken 3GS is still slightly faster than a vanilla iPod 2G, which is MUCH faster than a vanilla 3G, which is faster than a jailbroken 3G. In other words, even though there is a perceptible slowdown - slight, but perceptible - when jailbreaking the 3GS and running custom themes, etc, it's still quite fast and much better than a stock 3G, let alone a jailbroken one.

Its always been like that. A JBed phone will always take longer to start. 3G included.
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