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macrumors regular
Original poster
May 23, 2008
I am not at home to test this myself, but I currently have an Apple TV that will not play any Netflix or iTunes movies due to HDCP issues. These never occured until about a couple of weeks ago. So I'm really curious to find out if the new update has fixed these kinds of issues for anyone else who might have encountered them. Can anyone confirm this?
(Pardon the slight threadjack...)
What I really want to know is whether the new update will let me stream NetFlix and YouTube without pausing to buffer every minute. I know my Internet speeds aren't the greatest; however, the NetFlix client built into my Samsung TV streams NetFlix quite smoothly-- and the Apple TV hooked up to that same TV lags and stutters and buffers something fierce.

Don't get me wrong; I don't regret getting it, because I use it for streaming movies from my iTunes library and it does that wonderfully. I just wish it could do NetFlix better when I know that other devices can stream the same movies in the same available bandwidth without issue.

I guess I'll be testing that this weekend...
What modes does it support?

From memory[1]:

RGB High

in addition to the slightly crappy 'auto' which is probably YCbCr.

RGB High seems to be the choice for Philips/Sony TV owners who've been dealing with pink screen.

[1] I don't have a v2, but my parents do, and they also have a Sony TV, which is why I've been watching this update.
(Pardon the slight threadjack...)
the NetFlix client built into my Samsung TV streams NetFlix quite smoothly-- and the Apple TV hooked up to that same TV lags and stutters and buffers something fierce.

Your devices access different servers on Netflix's end. The servers that the ATV accesses are by and far the most bogged down, for some reason. It could be that this problem, combined with low bandwidth, is causing your problems.
Well, I just installed the update and it's still a no-go for my HDCP issues. The best I can get from it, just like before, is 4-5 seconds of video before the picture freezes and then the HDCP message comes on. Also, any airplay video I try to throw at it from my iphone gives me an HDCP message, even though I can play the exact same video through home sharing. I don't get it. Looks like I'll have to set up a genius appointment, and hopefully get a new one that works again.
try this

Well, I just installed the update and it's still a no-go for my HDCP issues. The best I can get from it, just like before, is 4-5 seconds of video before the picture freezes and then the HDCP message comes on. Also, any airplay video I try to throw at it from my iphone gives me an HDCP message, even though I can play the exact same video through home sharing. I don't get it. Looks like I'll have to set up a genius appointment, and hopefully get a new one that works again.

Had the same issue, but I read in a thread that you have to unplug the HDMI cable from the ATV2 (no need to do the power cable, but you can if you want) for about 5 minutes then plug back in and voila!
Which mode is best or provides the highest quality?

AIUI they're calibration settings, not modes. I think YCbCr probably offers a greater dynamic range than RGB High, though only if the TV supports it. Experiment to see which looks best to your eyes, and most closely matches the gamma profile of your other equipment.
Your devices access different servers on Netflix's end. The servers that the ATV accesses are by and far the most bogged down, for some reason. It could be that this problem, combined with low bandwidth, is causing your problems.

My wife tried the :apple:tv again late one night this weekend, and NetFlix worked with almost no hiccups-- definitely better than during prime-time. (Standard Def, but still good enough.)

I guess time of day and day of the week are also factors; my wife must have hit a non-peak time/day. This would lend some credence to the "different servers" explanation.
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