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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
So I just got a Sony DSC-W50 camera for Christmas, and it has a 1GB MS Pro Duo card. I am looking for a card reader that will read a Pro Duo card WITHOUT the DUO Adapter. So far the only one I've found THIS one from Sony, but $29.99 is a little much. I found a few more but they are all Dongles, which don't work well with an iMac. Does anyone know of any readers that will sit on my desk like the Sony, that can read MS Pro Duo cards WITHOUT an adapter?


macrumors 65816
Feb 12, 2006
So I just got a Sony DSC-W50 camera for Christmas, and it has a 1GB MS Pro Duo card. I am looking for a card reader that will read a Pro Duo card WITHOUT the DUO Adapter. So far the only one I've found THIS one from Sony, but $29.99 is a little much. I found a few more but they are all Dongles, which don't work well with an iMac. Does anyone know of any readers that will sit on my desk like the Sony, that can read MS Pro Duo cards WITHOUT an adapter?
Didn't your card come with the adapter? As far as without the adapter... I think you're fairly slim on your options as it hasn't been around for terribly long, and most cards come with adapters.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 14, 2005
Danville, VA
Yes the card came with an adapter, but I don't wan't to have to have to mess with/keep track of adapters, I'll probably lose it anyway :)

Irish Dave

macrumors regular
Nov 20, 2006
The Emerald Isle
So I just got a Sony DSC-W50 camera for Christmas, and it has a 1GB MS Pro Duo card. I am looking for a card reader that will read a Pro Duo card WITHOUT the DUO Adapter. So far the only one I've found THIS one from Sony, but $29.99 is a little much. I found a few more but they are all Dongles, which don't work well with an iMac. Does anyone know of any readers that will sit on my desk like the Sony, that can read MS Pro Duo cards WITHOUT an adapter?

What have you got against adapters?

I use one and it works perfectly :)

Dave ;)


Jul 11, 2006
Yes the card came with an adapter, but I don't wan't to have to have to mess with/keep track of adapters, I'll probably lose it anyway :)

Couldn't you just leave the adapter in the card reader and then you wouldn't have to worry about losing it.


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
Also try the 52-in-1 from A-Data. They are available online and at MicroCenter, among other retailers.

The picture below shows a double-height slot for Memory Sticks and their varieties. From the picture it seems (and this is just a guess) that Memory Sticks go on top and Duos/Pro Duos go on the bottom.



May 10, 2004
Well if Im going to sped $28 I'de rather spend the $29 amd get the Sony one.

This one does almost every format in existence (including SDHC, which is still difficult to find) so it's not the same thing, that's why I pointed it to you. Personally, I'm only interested in do-all readers.


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
This one does almost every format in existence (including SDHC, which is still difficult to find) so it's not the same thing, that's why I pointed it to you. Personally, I'm only interested in do-all readers.
That one reads M2 cards and two others directly as indicated in red on their webpage. The Pro Duo is not listed as being direct-read capable, which leads me to believe that it is not. I'm not sure that the A-Data device will read Pro Duos directly either, but the double-height slot is intriguing...


May 10, 2004
That's why I told him to ask them. But they list no adapters in the box.
Maybe they consider it normal for no adapters to be required for MS Pro DUO and that's why they don't highlight it. They have other readers where they mark the formats needing an adapter with an asterisk, and the MS Pro DUO is not one of them.

If you search in for "ms pro duo" you will find these readers
(but the cheapest one does not list Mac as compatible).

I found a cheap MS reader claiming no adapter for DUO in the videogame section:

When I put a reader in the basket a couple of weeks ago it showed me $3 for shipping initially, but then it was discounted because there's free shipping until January 1st (worldwide!).


macrumors 68000
Oct 28, 2003
That's why I told him to ask them. But they list no adapters in the box.
Maybe they consider it normal for no adapters to be required for MS Pro DUO and that's why they don't highlight it.
Memory Stick Pro Duos and Memory Stick Micros (M2) normally come with an adapter, which is why they are rarely supported directly. The device you mentioned actually reads M2s directly, hence the clear indication that no adapter is required.

Unfortunately, I have all three types of Sony memory cards (another shameful proprietary Sony format...why they can't stick to de facto standards is beyond me) so I carry the adapters and all of my memory cards in one of these Gepe Card Safe containers.


May 10, 2004
Well, I refuse to buy stuff which requires Memory Stick. Now I see that it's even worse.

It would be good anyway for somebody interested in this to ask them what they mean for all those readers where they don't mark an adapter as required and post here.
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