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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
I'm getting the 5DII next month and wondering if I can do use photoshop with the HD video files. I just want to do some Levels and Curves adjustments. I'm an old photographer but new to video (I've never even used iMovie). Thanks.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 28, 2006
I'm getting the 5DII next month and wondering if I can do use photoshop with the HD video files. I just want to do some Levels and Curves adjustments. I'm an old photographer but new to video (I've never even used iMovie). Thanks.

im 99% sure you cant. PS is strictly still images


macrumors 65816
If all you want to do is curves and levels, then PS extended can do this (careful though- I spent a couple of hours before realizing that I need to add a curves/levels layer, else I was editing a single frame). One thing that you might need to do is covert the movie file to a series of images (which QT pro can do easily).


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
I guess what I'm asking is can I edit one frame like I would a regular still, and then apply the effect to the rest of the video? Will it keep the sound?

The 5DII puts out common .mov files that are 1080p.

I know PS Extended will handle video (I should have said that to avoid the posts that say it can't), but I haven't found anything that shows how to actually do it. Just a few bad youtube videos.

I have the standard version and don't want to buy the extended version if it will be too hard to use. I'm not into 3D, and don't use it professionally.



macrumors 65816
I guess what I'm asking is can I edit one frame like I would a regular still, and then apply the effect to the rest of the video? Will it keep the sound?


From my experience there are 2 different ways of working the editing on the movies in PS.

The first is the frame by frame method- you can do anything to a frame, as you would on a still. This, however, applies the effects or edits to that one frame in the sequence.

The other method is to apply an effect on an entire layer (via layer editing, which allows you to add a curves edit, levels edit, color balance, hue, and whatever else is there). This will allow you to "edit a frame", while "apply it to the rest of the stack" (movie). That being said, I think the program is only capable of opening a series of images (meaning that if you want to work on them there, you will need to open your movie in Quicktime, and export it as an image sequence). This will NOT have sound, but you shouldn't have any issues synching that up after you're done.

If that sounds like too much of a pain, there's always Final Cut Express.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Mar 14, 2004
From my experience...


So FC can do things like traditional Levels and Curves adjustments? I've never used it. I cringe a little at the thought of learning another image editing program. Just trying to keep things simple. I'm old fashioned, ex large format shooter. But I really like the idea of short video clips once I compose the image, with the sound of the rain and what not. I'm not interested at all in piecing together a film sequence.

Thanks again for your input.


macrumors 6502
Jan 22, 2008
Sacramento, CA
Final Cut (both Pro and Express) do have some nice color correction and other adjustments that you would find very useful and are simple to use.
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