Hi everyone,
I figured that the Mac Pro forum would be the best place to get feedback from some real professional video editors.
One of the things that people brag about on the Retina MBP is that you can see 1080p video in its full resolution right in the corner of the screen when editing video, so it's the natural choice for video editors on the go.
Is it really that important to you to be able to see the video pixel-for-pixel? People make it seem like the holy grail to be able to see 4K video in its full glory on screen too while editing, which again, doesn't seem entirely necessary to me either.
I'm in college studying motion graphic design, and I know that at least to me, I have no problem working at half resolution in After Effects, and I couldn't care less about a 1080 frame being able to fit in a small area of my screen if I'm going to get slow playback.
If I'm being terribly ignorant (which is distinctly possible), please enlighten me.
I figured that the Mac Pro forum would be the best place to get feedback from some real professional video editors.
One of the things that people brag about on the Retina MBP is that you can see 1080p video in its full resolution right in the corner of the screen when editing video, so it's the natural choice for video editors on the go.
Is it really that important to you to be able to see the video pixel-for-pixel? People make it seem like the holy grail to be able to see 4K video in its full glory on screen too while editing, which again, doesn't seem entirely necessary to me either.
I'm in college studying motion graphic design, and I know that at least to me, I have no problem working at half resolution in After Effects, and I couldn't care less about a 1080 frame being able to fit in a small area of my screen if I'm going to get slow playback.
If I'm being terribly ignorant (which is distinctly possible), please enlighten me.