Does shooting in Monochrome offer higher resolution? It seams I can make a monochrome image a billion times sharper than even my best color pictures, I swear if I take my 85mm 1.8 out and stop it to 5.6 and shoot in great light I can scale the image to double the actual resolution....I'm asking as both a video guy and stills guy. I've always known the reasoning for the science behind it (at least with bayer) but RED has a nice little article:
The article may seam definitive to some but I still would like others to chime in...
Anyways If I wanted to shoot video on a DSLR would I gain more resolution by shooting in monochrome? Or would I have to have a camera with a removed color filter like the Epic Monochrome or Leica Monochrome?
How about stills? Obviously with RAW in camera is just a preview but would the final image be higher resolution?
I find this stuff not only terrifically interesting but also good practical knowledge since I want to definitely shoot a Monochrome short film one day and in the mean time would like to experiment. I was thinking of shooting some charts but I also want get input from the various photo and video professionals. I posted in the photo section since photographers naturally tend to want to know why/how/when more often than videographers (not a dig
), besides I'm sure my fellow video section guys will stumble in here.
The article may seam definitive to some but I still would like others to chime in...
Anyways If I wanted to shoot video on a DSLR would I gain more resolution by shooting in monochrome? Or would I have to have a camera with a removed color filter like the Epic Monochrome or Leica Monochrome?
How about stills? Obviously with RAW in camera is just a preview but would the final image be higher resolution?
I find this stuff not only terrifically interesting but also good practical knowledge since I want to definitely shoot a Monochrome short film one day and in the mean time would like to experiment. I was thinking of shooting some charts but I also want get input from the various photo and video professionals. I posted in the photo section since photographers naturally tend to want to know why/how/when more often than videographers (not a dig