For those who have 2.0 and the AIM app, does your connection stay alive when the phone is on sleep or does it have to reconnect when unlock the phone?
looks like it keeps the connection alive but it doesn't push messages
it stores them until you next go into aim and notifies you then only it seems to have a bug in which messages received whilst not in aim appear blank well on my iphone anyway.
I get disconnected after not using the app for 5 minutes. Quite annoying.
Did anyone watch the WWDC Keynote? Apple is rolling out their Push Notification Service I believe in Sept. This will allow devs to utlize a constant connection to their app (like AOL) so you get pop-up messages like you do for SMS. Or they can have the App make a sound, etc.
if you keep the app open and put your phone to sleep, it still vibrates and makes the message sound, notifying you of new messages.
AIM does not keep the connection. It's not allowed. That would be background application (besides, then all your calls would be sent to voicemail if you're on the first iPhone).
Instead, AIM keeps you logged on (in terms of their server). Messages received are queued up. As soon as you restore the connection by tapping AIM, the messages are sent to you.
It doesn't seem to be working that way though, because after 5 minutes you get COMPLETELY logged off. I'm not able to send a message to the SN that's logged on my phone / it shows me as being offline. Yes, when you open the app it will immediately reconnect you, but you won't have any messages waiting.
Alright so having the AIM be the last app open before you put the phone to "sleep" seems to be working. Been logged in for 9 minutes without being disconnected. I sent myself an IM though, and when I went back into the app it wasn't there. Still have to wait on the PUSH to go through I guess.
Yeah... September... Apple really should have had it ready for the 2.0 launch. Every phone nowadays is able to do this, but the iPhone can't.
I also find it a little lame that Twitterrific doesn't update while you aren't in the app either. Might as well just go back to using text message notifications.
AIM does not keep the connection. It's not allowed. That would be background application (besides, then all your calls would be sent to voicemail if you're on the first iPhone).
Instead, AIM keeps you logged on (in terms of their server). Messages received are queued up. As soon as you restore the connection by tapping AIM, the messages are sent to you.
Might as well get a crappy Windows Mobile phone if you want background processes. Watch the Keynote, I love the way Apple protrayed WM devices vs. their new Push Notification service. It was AOL's decision to push out IM before the service was ready, not Apple's.
yeah, it's going to be like this until the push service comes out, but I expect it to work flawlessly after that. Remember, updates ad patches are also a KEY part of the new iPhone apps.
When is Apple's push service going to be intact? Do you guys mean the MobileMe?