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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jun 29, 2006
Does the new intel(Core Duo, not the brand spanking new ones) have a spot on it to lock it down to a table like laptops have? If not, is there anyway to secure it to my desk? Thanks in advance for the help!
Ok, then I must be an idiot. I bought a cable, because the guy at the store said there was one, and I see a port on the back, underneath the power supply, and it seems to be the same as a laptop, except i can't get the lock in there and locked.
I too must be an idiot.

I have tried using a Kensington laptop security cable (that works perfectly on what appears to be an identical security slot on a MacBook Pro), but on an iMac (G5) I cannot get it to rotate and lock into the security slot.

Can anyone help advise what I am doing wrong or what type of security cable is needed?
Isn't there a hole in the stand? Just run it through there, I think there's usually a way to lock off a loop rather than connecting to the little hole. Might depend on the cable you have.
Thanks JAT, you are correct there is a suitable hole in the stand, and my alternate solution will be to buy a different type of security cable and to just loop it through there.

But having already gone out and bought a laptop "Kensington" type cable lock I had hoped and assumed that this would work with the specific security slot provided in te iMac (which is right behind the hole in the stand).

Has anyone else managed to use the security slot that is provided on the back of the iMac; and, if so, what type of security cable worked?

Mmm, I'd test my cable lock on my iMac G5 (ALS), but I'm not 100% sure where the key is. :( It looks like it would fit, though. It's an ancient Kensington.

Mine, at least, compresses together so that the depth of the slot can vary a little bit and the device can still fit. Have you tried squeezing it together while it's in the hole and then trying to rotate it, or does it not even fit in the hole to begin with?

We're talking about the hole underneath the place where the power cable mates, correct? Mine certainly fits, but without the key, I can't place it all the way into the slot. :(
I found the key to the old Kensington cable lock I had, and mine too, does not seem to fit in far enough to be able to turn. Strange! Are there "desktop" and "laptop" models of the cable locks or something?
I'm pleased, mkrishnan, you managed to find your key; and thanks for confirming that I'm not inept or going mad! This apparent difference between iMacs and laptops remains a mystery - I can find no information in any Apple support sites to explain any difference.

So it looks like the simplest and only practical solution is, as JAT suggested, to use a different type of cable through the hole in the stand.
Mmmm, strange... so I was still annoyed by this, and I...

1) Looked up an iMac G5 manual -- it clearly states that the slot is a security slot and mentions no special instructions on finding a lock.

2) Apple's site specifies cable locks from Kensington and they seem to work for people with iMacs, although at least one person did say it was tricky getting them in.

So... are the slots on ours just out of spec?
I was about to buy a Kensington lock. I think I shall hide and watch a while to see how it works out. A cable thru the hole in the stand is nowhere near as pretty as using the laptop style lock port.

The Kensington system is the only one I know of. It is universal and has no competitors. I can't explain why the little lock holes wouldn't work. Imperfect design on the cable or the iMac, no doubt. But I thought many of those same cables can be looped, hence my earlier comment. Certainly the other end can be, that is how they are attached to the desk or whatever. Maybe some just have the lock thingy on the end, it has been a couple years since I even glanced at one.

Guess a bike lock would work. ;)
Figured it out

I too bought the laptop lock from kensington thinking it would work with the iMac and finally with a little fiddling, it worked. The trick is to keep the part of the lock that compresses into the lock from compressing. To fix that, slip a credit card between the lock and the tab on the compressible rod thingy. This will keep it from being pushed in. Next, don't be afraid, but install the lock by putting it into the hole and give the lock a good firm twist until everything slips in like it's supposed to. That should do it! It's like the lock hole wasn't necessarily designed's a little tight...
Hmm, yeah, the last time I pulled the back casing off my iMac, I was thinking about this also... I might give it another try when I get a chance just to see (I'm not in need of it where my iMac is now).
So, do the new (glass & aluminum w/ black border) iMacs have the Kensington security slot? The tech specs don't say anything and I can't see anything in the pictures.
I would think with Apple's innovation track record they would design some sort of wireless security mechanism to reduce the cable clutter :D
Thanks AgentDickeyD. I'm sorry not to have looked at this thread for some time and having only now seen and used your advice about using a credit card I can confirm that the Kensington lock does install tightly but correctly on my iMac.
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