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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Aug 14, 2006
I'm wondering if anyone knows if the 3G iPad performs better in terms of using its WiFi connection compared to the WiFi only iPad.
Well, I can't speak for everyone else but my 3G iPad works just fine while on wifi. I get great signal throughout my house, upstairs as well as downstairs. I haven't had any problems with dropped or poor signal even when using wifi in other locations.
I have a 3G model, a while back i had major wifi issues. It wouldn't connect to the internet. After like two days the problem magically went away. Since then I've had no problems with wifi. I was so thankful I had 3G to rely on in the meantime. 8)
I can only attest to my own household, but my 16 GB wifi only loses connectivity with excessive frequency, while my husband's 32GB 3G model only rarely has issues. Router is an Airport Extreme b/g/n unit with WPA2 enabled, on an all Apple network. No other device on the network is having trouble, yet the wifi only iPad can be counted on to experience some sort of problem at least half a dozen times a day, anywhere from extreme sluggishness to having to reenter the password for access.

My wife has the 16 gig wifi and I have the 64 gig 3G. I have traveled to NY and visited quite a few wifi free places and we have had no issues at all. They both connect and stay connected. I can say the wifi is certainly faster than At&Ts 3g service. 3G is better than not being connected, just too slow, especially in NYC.
I'm in the uk with a 64GB wifi+3G and my WIFI drops out every few minutes at my house. Yet is fine at my girlfriends....
I'm in the uk with a 64GB wifi+3G and my WIFI drops out every few minutes at my house. Yet is fine at my girlfriends....

This could be caused by interference from other Access Points nearby, specially if you live in a building.
I haven't received my iPAD yet, but I'll try it. If you have an Airport Extreme, use different SSID names for 802.11b/g and 802.11n.

Also, I'm not sure if the IPAD supports 802.11n at 5Ghz. If it does, it would be great, as not everybody uses it, and it gets subject to less interference.
I've had both , and have had the same problems on both. I get the "connecting" pop up several times a day. It's more of an annoyance than anything else , but I wish Apple would hurry up already and release their update. They acknowledged the wifi issues 2 months ago :rolleyes:
I'm in the uk with a 64GB wifi+3G and my WIFI drops out every few minutes at my house. Yet is fine at my girlfriends....

Well shoot spend more time at her place then! :D
I've had both and although the 3G appears to have fewer problems maintaining a consistent connection when only on wifi, it still has connection issues, mostly when I'm at home. Oddly enough, we have an airport extreme.

A couple of days ago I noticed that someone had mentioned turning off their wifi router for an extended power cycle (10+ minutes) and that that seemed to have resolved their wifi issues.

I'll give it a shot and see if it helps. I do think that many of these issues will be resolved with an update.
This could be caused by interference from other Access Points nearby, specially if you live in a building.
I haven't received my iPAD yet, but I'll try it. If you have an Airport Extreme, use different SSID names for 802.11b/g and 802.11n.

Also, I'm not sure if the IPAD supports 802.11n at 5Ghz. If it does, it would be great, as not everybody uses it, and it gets subject to less interference.


It appears it does work with 5Ghz 802.11N wireless

I've had both and although the 3G appears to have fewer problems maintaining a consistent connection when only on wifi, it still has connection issues, mostly when I'm at home. Oddly enough, we have an airport extreme.

A couple of days ago I noticed that someone had mentioned turning off their wifi router for an extended power cycle (10+ minutes) and that that seemed to have resolved their wifi issues.

I'll give it a shot and see if it helps. I do think that many of these issues will be resolved with an update.

Indeed. I haven't dropped off my wifi at all since my router has been reset.
Haven't dropped or had any other problems yet. I take mine to work and there's a weak signal from next door and it picks it up fine and stays connected as well.
My wifi only iPad works fine. I specifically avoided the 3G model because it was not worth the extra $. Wifi + MHS is perfect for browsing on the go.

There are other wireless devices (i.e. wireless headset) that WILL interfere with your wifi signal regardless if you have the 3G version or not.
I have the 16gb wi-fi only iPad. I was having a lot of problems with connectivity. I also have a dual band airport extreme. I was finally able to determine it was my home telephone that was causing my problem. I had the phones where only the base station had to be plugged into a phone jack and the other phones didn't have to be connected to a phone jack. It operated on the 5 ghz frequency. I purchased a new system that operates on the 6.0 frequency and have not had any problems since then. Maybe this will help someone.
I had other laptops and my brothers iPad dropping connection randomly when I had my previous airport extreme. I then replaced the airport extreme with the newer model and have it running on dual mode one ssid and WPA2 encryption, and not a single drop.
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