I'm wondering if anyone knows if the 3G iPad performs better in terms of using its WiFi connection compared to the WiFi only iPad.
I'm in the uk with a 64GB wifi+3G and my WIFI drops out every few minutes at my house. Yet is fine at my girlfriends....
This could be caused by interference from other Access Points nearby, specially if you live in a building.
I haven't received my iPAD yet, but I'll try it. If you have an Airport Extreme, use different SSID names for 802.11b/g and 802.11n.
Also, I'm not sure if the IPAD supports 802.11n at 5Ghz. If it does, it would be great, as not everybody uses it, and it gets subject to less interference.
I've had both and although the 3G appears to have fewer problems maintaining a consistent connection when only on wifi, it still has connection issues, mostly when I'm at home. Oddly enough, we have an airport extreme.
A couple of days ago I noticed that someone had mentioned turning off their wifi router for an extended power cycle (10+ minutes) and that that seemed to have resolved their wifi issues.
I'll give it a shot and see if it helps. I do think that many of these issues will be resolved with an update.