I'm looking to use a MBA for presentations. Does it include an Infa-Red port so I can use my Apple Remote for Powerpoint/Keynote?
Let's see - Go to the Apple site and look for myself or ask on MR? What to do, what to do?
No, it doesn't have IR.
here's a post with a dumb question. Let's see - ignore the post and get on with my life or try and make the op feel dumb for asking this question? What to do, what to do?
Here's a post with a dumb question. Let's see - Ignore the post and get on with my life or try and make the OP feel dumb for asking this question? What to do, what to do?
If you have an iPhone/iPod Touch, you can use the Remote app, if that's of any help to you. Only downside is having to have them on the same wifi network.