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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Feb 7, 2016
Southern Germany
New Apple products always have this special smell – not a bad one, I pretty much like it.
If you ever bought a new Apple product before you'll know what I mean. This moment when you open the box for the first time, you'll smell it…it goes away after a few days, but you will remember it.

My Macbook order is still "processing items", so I probably I won't get it before Dec 6.

This is why I am asking you guys who already received their new Macbook Pro with Touch Bar:
How does it smell?


macrumors 68000
Oct 17, 2016
It smells better than that candle but not as good as the 2005 iPod, that was a particular vintage. Although this one has the added benefit of being able to touch it up whilst smelling it.
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Aurora Wright

macrumors member
Mar 3, 2016
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macrumors 6502a
Oct 7, 2015
Principality of Sealand
New Apple products always have this special smell – not a bad one, I pretty much like it.
If you ever bought a new Apple product before you'll know what I mean. This moment when you open the box for the first time, you'll smell it…it goes away after a few days, but you will remember it.

My Macbook order is still "processing items", so I probably I won't get it before Dec 6.

This is why I am asking you guys who already received their new Macbook Pro with Touch Bar:
How does it smell?
Are you going to return it if you don't like the smell?
Please, say yes...
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macrumors regular
Nov 2, 2014
It smells better than that candle but not as good as the 2005 iPod, that was a particular vintage. Although this one has the added benefit of being able to touch it up whilst smelling it.

This this and this! I also got the 2005 iPod, and the new smell of that one was strong and you smelled it for a while, especially if you have it in an enclosed space.


macrumors regular
Oct 11, 2016
London, UK
The guy who's going to sniff his macbook for 2h before opening it and sniffing again the keys and then opening it further and sniffing the internals.

Hmmmm :D


May 13, 2010
1986: never trust a computer you cannot lift.

2016: never trust a computer that doesn't smell.
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