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Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 20, 2002
My grandmother's 70th birthday is coming up, so I shot a series of portraits of her dog Happy to give to her as a gift.

I'll have it printed as an 8x10 or 11x14, I'm not sure. Her house is designed down to the door handles, so I might just make her an album with all the other shots I did.

Anyway, here's one of my selects that I've started editing. What do you guys think?


Shot with my Rebel XT, with my Tamron 28-75mm f/2.8, natural window light.


macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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I have a 12" PowerBook, and if you know anything about older Powerbooks, especially the rev A and B 12" PBs, then you'll know that my LCD is usually crap and isn't bright at all. :(

I'm just mentioning it because I find your photo to be too bright or overexposed, and while you can't do anything about the highlights, I wonder whether the photo would look better if it was darker? I'm just wondering because I don't know how it would look on any decent monitor. I'd have to look at that photo on my Dell LCD in my office at uni before I can really say, although things look oversaturated and too bright on that monitor.

I never win. :rolleyes:

But regardless, it's a great great photo. I can never take a photo of my dogs. They usually look the other way, or their eyes look bad. I have one great photo of one dog (the dog that died in December), but no decent photos of my 2nd dog....the one who's still alive.

Mike Teezie

macrumors 68020
Original poster
Nov 20, 2002
Abstract said:
I have a 12" PowerBook, and if you know anything about older Powerbooks, especially the rev A and B 12" PBs, then you'll know that my LCD is usually crap and isn't bright at all. :(

I'm just mentioning it because I find your photo to be too bright or overexposed, and while you can't do anything about the highlights, I wonder whether the photo would look better if it was darker? I'm just wondering because I don't know how it would look on any decent monitor. I'd have to look at that photo on my Dell LCD in my office at uni before I can really say, although things look oversaturated and too bright on that monitor.

I never win. :rolleyes:

But regardless, it's a great great photo. I can never take a photo of my dogs. They usually look the other way, or their eyes look bad. I have one great photo of one dog (the dog that died in December), but no decent photos of my 2nd dog....the one who's still alive.

It does look overexposed in several areas. I pushed it to the high key look, which is the desired effect. This is about as far as I can push it and still have the prints turn out not looking blown out in areas. I might have gone to far, but we'll see when the prints come in.

Shooting Happy was unbelievably easy. If I said her name, she would look at me for a solid 10-20 seconds before looking away. Here, I got somebody else to say her name so she'd look over at them.

Most of time, it's the exact opposite. I tried to shoot my two boxers, and every time I got down on the floor to shoot them, they thought it was playtime and would charge me.


Moderator emeritus
May 1, 2005
I love that photograph (and that says a lot because I'm really not fond of 'toy dogs')! :eek: :D

Looks good on my iMac.


macrumors 6502
Jul 4, 2003
in a forest
cute! cute! cute! <sniff>

I have a terrier that has yet to help her housemates get a shot like that, so you've got a cooperative dog or some mad-skilz.

Good job! Your grandma' will probably LOVE it. Too bad you can't experiment with some matting and framing without concern of clashing, but maybe she'll enjoy doing that part.



macrumors Penryn
Dec 27, 2002
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Mike Teezie said:
Most of time, it's the exact opposite. I tried to shoot my two boxers, and every time I got down on the floor to shoot them, they thought it was playtime and would charge me.

Yeah, it almost makes me wish that I had a camera on my face or up my nose or something, because they always go for the face-lick when I get down on the floor. :)
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