I just jailbroke my old iPhone, Unlocked too with redsn0w, so it's up at the home screen without a SIM good to go, I want to send this to my sister at college to use on T-Mobile, when she plugs it into itunes on her macbook, will it want to set it up new and wipe out my jailbreal? In other words, will I have to re jailbreal over on her computer? Thanks
I just jailbroke my old iPhone, Unlocked too with redsn0w, so it's up at the home screen without a SIM good to go, I want to send this to my sister at college to use on T-Mobile, when she plugs it into itunes on her macbook, will it want to set it up new and wipe out my jailbreal? In other words, will I have to re jailbreal over on her computer? Thanks