OK, before you tell me just to restore with iTunes, listen to why I'm cautious of that. I've jailbroken my iPhone and restored back to normal with every firmware that's been released. (Remember jailbreakme.com? That was the best!) I've stopped counting how many times I've gone through the process of upgrading, jailbreaking, restoring, thinking about it a few days, and then jailbreaking it again. One thing I've learned when doing this is whenever I jailbreak, restore, and then jailbreak again, a lot of my 3rd party apps remember my settings from the last time I had them on my iPhone. Chat, for example, remembers my AIM screen name and password; Netflix and Twinkle do as well. This tells me that even when I do a restore with iTunes, there's still some gunk left over on my phone from those 3rd party apps. How do I get that stuff off and make my phone look like it has never been touched by a jailbreak?