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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Aug 25, 2009
So, I have been on the fence now for a while...about to pull the trigger on a 3GHz 24" iMac (WoW machine). I have been reading about the screen issues and am concerned now.

How big a problem is this? 1 in 100? 1 in 1,000?

Is it serious enough to put off buying a new 24" iMac?

Thanks for the advice!
Hello, I want to assure you that the new 24 inch iMacs are gorgeous and have no screen problems.

Go ahead and buy yours!
If the problem was serious, Apple would do something for it. All LCDs have dead and stuck pixels plus there may always be a lemon. Mine is perfect too
Don't buy a 24" iMac, becuase of screen issues

This is the first I hear of a screen issue. I work on a 24" Imac everyday. The screen is clear & bright and well worth you making your purchase. What I've been hearing rumor has it they may get a refresh sometime in October late November. Otherwise your good to go.
Hello, I want to assure you that the new 24 inch iMacs are gorgeous and have no screen problems.

Go ahead and buy yours!

I am so glad you didn't turn into a hater after your bad experience. :D

There are chances of dead pixels etc on the new iMacs, but there is the same chances with all LCDs. I recommend you get the iMac and the Applecare. :)
I am so glad you didn't turn into a hater after your bad experience. :D

There are chances of dead pixels etc on the new iMacs, but there is the same chances with all LCDs. I recommend you get the iMac and the Applecare. :)

No, why would I do that? :) The new iMacs, both 20 and 24 inch are absolutely gorgeous, the screens look fine and so do the colors!

I looked at them at the Apple Store.

If anything, it was the original 20" aluminum iMacs I heard some negative things about regarding their screens. (People claimed the panel in the 20" models wasn't as good a quality as the 24" panel.)

Regardless, I got a 20" aluminum iMac and found the panel looked *great* after I went through the advanced screen calibration process in OS X. Before that, it had kind of a "washed out" look to it - which may be what people were seeing and upset with.

So, I have been on the fence now for a while...about to pull the trigger on a 3GHz 24" iMac (WoW machine). I have been reading about the screen issues and am concerned now.

How big a problem is this? 1 in 100? 1 in 1,000?

Is it serious enough to put off buying a new 24" iMac?

Thanks for the advice!
If anything, it was the original 20" aluminum iMacs I heard some negative things about regarding their screens. (People claimed the panel in the 20" models wasn't as good a quality as the 24" panel.)

Regardless, I got a 20" aluminum iMac and found the panel looked *great* after I went through the advanced screen calibration process in OS X. Before that, it had kind of a "washed out" look to it - which may be what people were seeing and upset with.

Can you please post your calibration profile here or somewhere I could download it from? Maybe it could help some people.

I purchased a 24" iMac when the new ones came out and returned it because of two issues relating to the screen:

1. It was impossible to dim the screen to any comfortable level. Unlike my Macbook and my Cinema Display, the range of adjustment seemed to be 95% to 100% brightness. After a few hours, the screen was unbearable to look at.

2. The brightness was uneven across the surface of the screen. It was noticeably brighter on one side than the other. Reading text across the screen was distracting because of the brightness change from left to right.

Upon doing some research I discovered that there were lots of people who had these issues, and that there was no way to turn down the brightness of the screen to tolerable levels. I returned the iMac and have stuck with my existing equipment ever since.

Your concerns are unfounded. The first run of 24" iMac's had some illumination consistency issues but those have been long since resolved. Today's screens are perfect. :apple:
only "issue" i have with my imac is image persistence. it happens very often where the bars from firefox will leave lines behind, even after only an hour of constant use of the system. it takes me about two days to get rid of them, by switching background to white color, and running the firefox window in a smaller size. ofcourse then the smaller window causes the persistence, while the larger one disappears. it goes on forever. i've read that it's common with lcd screens, so it doesn't really bother me as long as it's not dead in the center.
My mid 2007 24" has developed the dark smudge like blotches (it seems to have been determined it is "burn" marks from something being too hot behind the screen). A quick search for the word "smudge" on the Apple support site will tell you that the 24" screens are far from "perfect".
24 inch imac screen problems

My 24 inch imac is flawless. Since I have had it, I have only turned on my windows box twice. I promise you, if this is your first mac, the screen on a 24 inch imac will take your breath away.
If anyone is still unsure about go down to the Apple store and apply a solid background on a 24inch or open a solid image and move it around the screen. Change through the colours to see if you can spot out any dark areas or discoloured places on the screen.

not that its happened to me but I read about it on some other forum:rolleyes:
I've just bought my very own for Graphic Design.
To make sure my $2500 wasn't an uneducated purchase I made sure to do a lot of research and ask around including the store I bought it from.
From what I gathered, the only problem was that there was a slight colour shift from left to right on the screen. Barely noticeable, even. I mean for the super Graphic Designers out there, they'd probably be bothered, but then again they might as well go with the Pro. WoW, you shouldn't see any problem.
The colour shift is not noticeable. I stared at my screen for a good 15 minutes trying to spot it and still haven't succeeded in discerning the difference.
All in all, I say you're good to go. The 24" screens are HD :D
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