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macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2002
Orlando, FL
Don't flame me... I got my daughter (she is 3 and loves to take photos) a Philips Keychain Camera to take photos with and I can only download them via my PC. I've tried a little to find a Mac package that will download the photos, but no luck... does anyone have any ideas?

It is a Keychain USB camera... it is recognized by my mac under system profiler as "dual mode camera" (attached)... I just want to download the photos from the camera to iPhotos ... no fancy stuff!



  • Picture 1.png
    Picture 1.png
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Moderator emeritus
Jun 25, 2002
If the camera mounts as a drive, you should be able to drag and drop the photos into iPhoto.

As far as automatic transfer, I wouldn't bet on it ever happening. It seems like the camera comes under a few dozen different manufacturers' badges but it's probably not high on Apple's list for compatibility.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2002
Orlando, FL
... so the camera doesn't mount as a 'drive' and image capture doesn't 'see' it... I found something on Version Tracker that can utilize it as a webcam, but nothing for pulling off the photos. So far, I am just using my PC to pull the photos off...

Hey, POH, I found lots of Linux users trying to make it work as well ... funny it worked in about 10 seconds on my PC with a itsy bitsy 100k driver but no one in the Mac/Linux community can seem to conquer this little thing. (I am probably not smart enough to conquer it myself... defeated by a $16 camera!)


macrumors 601
Mar 4, 2005
.. London ..
I have a similar camera that I brought about 2 years ago.

It takes lovely photos, people don't expect that it's actually a working camera!

Problem is it only works with PCs grrr.. shortly after buying it I decommissioned my last PC, so it's been sitting in my drawer unused for 2 years.

It's only a few dollars, give it away and keep an eye out for a mac compatible model.

Has anyone seen similar cheap tiny cameras that work with OS X?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2002
Orlando, FL
Virtual PC?

... I hope I don't have to re-install Virtual PC just to download these photos on my PowerBook! :eek:

Anyone ever used one of these with any luck via Virtual PC?

Also, I am going to 'repost' this on the OS X forum to get a little additional eyes on this one ... reposted here ...


macrumors 6502
Jun 17, 2006
... so the camera doesn't mount as a 'drive' and image capture doesn't 'see' it... I found something on Version Tracker that can utilize it as a webcam, but nothing for pulling off the photos. So far, I am just using my PC to pull the photos off...

Hey, POH, I found lots of Linux users trying to make it work as well ... funny it worked in about 10 seconds on my PC with a itsy bitsy 100k driver but no one in the Mac/Linux community can seem to conquer this little thing. (I am probably not smart enough to conquer it myself... defeated by a $16 camera!)

what application is this that can use it as a webcam?


macrumors regular
Original poster
Dec 18, 2002
Orlando, FL
what application is this that can use it as a webcam?

It was claimed that someone used it successfully as a webcam with macam but did not claim success regarding copying off the movies or the still images (user was not specific regarding which version of OS9, X or which version of macam used. I have tried macam 0.9 with 10.4.8 on my G4 laptop and the software doesn't 'recognize' the camera is attached.


macrumors newbie
Sep 28, 2006
Great Find, POHeerwig!

I think this might give you a little insight into your camera; sounds like you aren't the only one with the problem. The blue screen thing sounds a little scary, but I sort of found visualizing the 'taking a hammer to it' thing kind-of cute! ;)

Thanks, POHeerwig... that link was great... just what I was looking for... I didn't find anything that useful on the topic ... you are some sort of 'Google' Princess or something! :)
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