Question, what is the difference if someone is dumb enough to type in User Name: monkey, Pass: monkey123, or, if they use LastPass to auto fill the same thing? (probably none?)
It’s not that LasPass is encrypting your weak passwords when it’s auto filling them (or something?) so if you don’t change them it’s still somehow more secure because your using a password manager, right?
Is it that if your using a password manager then it’s assumed your also allowing it to generate long, complex (and much more secure) passwords that it then securely stores so that you don’t have to remember it, correct? Thanks
It’s not that LasPass is encrypting your weak passwords when it’s auto filling them (or something?) so if you don’t change them it’s still somehow more secure because your using a password manager, right?
Is it that if your using a password manager then it’s assumed your also allowing it to generate long, complex (and much more secure) passwords that it then securely stores so that you don’t have to remember it, correct? Thanks