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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Mar 3, 2008
It seems like some "expert" comes along about once a week to explain how Apple is just about to go down the tubes. It's usually about a week or two before Apple's next earnings call where they reveal they are still able to print money. Tired of waiting? Try this javascript Apple Click Bait Generator. If it isn't depressing enough when you first load the page, hit "refresh" and see if it can get any worse. :D
When you're on top of the heap, there's only one place to go. Down.

So people are looking for every misstep, perceived or actual. At some point Apple will start slipping, they may be on that downward slope now, or they start going down hill in 5, or 10 years. The point is people will keep pointing out negatives because that's the expectation.
It seems that fan boys are throughout the tech bloggers and that is a shame. Instead of just reviewing hardware & software as well as Internet trends the bloggers are no better than some forum posters.

The clickbait article titles are really starting to get old. Only a few bloggers are reviewing Andriod phones and calling out hardware flaws. Now if these same bloggers should speak about "bloatware" cell phone companies are putting on cell phones. Plus why do every Andriod article have to compare an Android cell phone review comparing it to an iPhone?
It seems that fan boys are throughout the tech bloggers and that is a shame. Instead of just reviewing hardware & software as well as Internet trends the bloggers are no better than some forum posters.
Everyone has a bias, doesn't matter if its a pulitzer price winning reporter, or Joe Shmoe and his blog. Also one way to increase traffic is to be a bit controversial, click bait as you call it.

I generally avoid most blogs, for and against apple anyways.
Everyone has a bias, doesn't matter if its a pulitzer price winning reporter, or Joe Shmoe and his blog. Also one way to increase traffic is to be a bit controversial, click bait as you call it.

I generally avoid most blogs, for and against apple anyways.

Yes everyone has bias. A real reporter sound be able to suppress their own bias when reporting! To me this is the real difference between a blogger and a reporter! However the realist in me knows that real reporting is now as rare as a unicorns. :eek:
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