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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2016
I'm buying a new Macbook Pro with only 2x thunderbolt 3.0 ports. I have 2 older monitors that I used with a PC (one with VGA and one with HDMI). I'd like to use them with the new macbook pro to get an extended dual display. I know I can't daisy chain them, but can I get a "dual monitor set up" by plugging each monitor into a thunderbolt port (2 ports) via a HDMI and a VGA adapter?
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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 28, 2016
Apple sales said:

"Yes that will work no problem, you will just need to get 2 separate adapters."

So I'm now looking for 2x adapters, one for VGA and one for HMDI. Ideally they would go into one thunderbolt so I have one left over, but the kit I'd need for that is maybe a bit much. We'll see.
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