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macrumors regular
Original poster
Feb 23, 2010
I was thinking of getting a MacBook Pro mainly because of the ability to save and create documents that I can email. Can the iPad accommodate this. Maybe iWork?
Can I use the iPad to create documents to save. Mainly word documents. Can the iPad accommodate iwork?
Or if I receive an email that has a document attached that I want to save can I do that?
You can create/edit docs with Pages, Quickoffice, or Docs to Go. The question is whether you'd actually want to.

If you're only sending out some quick small docs, the iPad does fine. If your work depends on writing reports and managing a lot of files, you'll probably want a full laptop.
I use the iPad to write all of my articles and notes on it. I start my rough drafts on it too, but I use a PC to perfect the format for research papers.
There are dozens of writing apps. You can divide these into two groups: notepads and Office suites.

Most, if not all, notepads can export and import documents. You can open mail attachments into them, and mail out whatever you write.

Some notepads are more advanced because they allow you to add images, audio, handwriting, etc. Handwriting-only notepads are a subgroup, but one, WritePad, turns handwriting into text.

There are three main Office suites. iWork is okay but misses certain features such as word count in Pages. Most people I have spoken to don't believe iWork is worth the money, but if your needs are quite basic you can get work done with it. QuickOffice is the most limited of the Offices apps but looks nice on the iPad because it was written especially for it. Documents to Go is feature-rich in comparison with the other two but looks worse on the iPad screen. Images can only be inserted in Pages.

When the update to iOS 4 arrives we expect many of these apps to be improved. It seems developers are reluctant to invest time in making improvements before they know how their apps will behave in iOS 4.

Personally I have switched from the net books and laptops to the iPad. My work is writing-oriented so I store a lot of text in many formats in an app called Readdle (GoodReader is just as good) and compose documents in Pages. I also use notepad apps from time to time.
There are dozens of writing apps. You can divide these into two groups: notepads and Office suites.

Most, if not all, notepads can export and import documents. You can open mail attachments into them, and mail out whatever you write.

Some notepads are more advanced because they allow you to add images, audio, handwriting, etc. Handwriting-only notepads are a subgroup, but one, WritePad, turns handwriting into text.

There are three main Office suites. iWork is okay but misses certain features such as word count in Pages. Most people I have spoken to don't believe iWork is worth the money, but if your needs are quite basic you can get work done with it. QuickOffice is the most limited of the Offices apps but looks nice on the iPad because it was written especially for it. Documents to Go is feature-rich in comparison with the other two but looks worse on the iPad screen. Images can only be inserted in Pages.

When the update to iOS 4 arrives we expect many of these apps to be improved. It seems developers are reluctant to invest time in making improvements before they know how their apps will behave in iOS 4.

Personally I have switched from the net books and laptops to the iPad. My work is writing-oriented so I store a lot of text in many formats in an app called Readdle (GoodReader is just as good) and compose documents in Pages. I also use notepad apps from time to time.

if this happens will the iPad deal with the update better than the iPhone 3G did? My 3G is on the shelf now because it became the slowest piece of worthless junk after the update
if this happens will the iPad deal with the update better than the iPhone 3G did? My 3G is on the shelf now because it became the slowest piece of worthless junk after the update
We are promised better performance for the 3G under iOS4. The next update should tell the tail.

The iPad has a much faster processor than the iPhone 3G. It will do better than the 3G when it's updated unless Apple messes something up.
if this happens will the iPad deal with the update better than the iPhone 3G did? My 3G is on the shelf now because it became the slowest piece of worthless junk after the update

I predict that by the time iPad 3 hits the stores, whatever OS we're all on will probably make our current iPads slow and irritating. This will encourage us all to get the new model.

The trouble is that with phones this is more acceptable because we're used to switching phones every year or so anyway. But these are large devices supposed to replace netbooks. I don't think we're ready for that level of product cycling yet. I want my computers to last 3 years or more and not be forced to upgrade.

This is all just speculation, but you mark my poorly autocorrected words...
I agree with caubeck. I like to upgrade my phone every other year and plan to keep my 2010 MBP for at least 3-4 years before trading up. I really am not in the yearly upgrade path for an iPad or an iPhone -- hopefully it'll still run decent in 2-3 years until it's time to upgrade again.

I've had my Sony Reader for over three years, and it does everything ebook that I wanted it to do, and still works great. I use the iPad mostly for reading news & technical/code books in PDF format (stuff the Sony Reader def. couldn't handle) and hope that in 2-3 years it'll still run smoothly until it's time to get the next Uber-Retina iPad 4 haha :)
I use Quick Office connect. Best I've found so far. Works for iphone and ipad.
I use QuickOffice due to its ability to link to the MobileMe cloud. I develop my docs on my MBP and only have the need to read/review them on my iPad/iPhone. QuickOffice is just fine for this. If I were doing document development I think I would get Pages, but the lack of a link to MobileMe is a serious limitation.
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