For those who have wanted to unlock their iPhone 3G but have updated to the 2.30 baseband, hope is now here. Thanks to the work of dev pH, a tool has been created to downgrade your baseband, and allow a unlock to occur once again.
Note- So if you have the latest version 2.2.1 then you can software unlock your iPhone 3G
Download here:
To run the pHaseBanDowngrader, connect via SSH to your iPhone and copy the downloaded folder (phasebandowngrader) into the folder "/Applications" on your iPhone.
Note: The folder MUST named phasebandowngrader with lowercase letters!
To run it, open MobileTerminal and type "login". The user is "root" and password is "alpine" by default. Then type: "cd / Applications/phasebandowngrader/", then, to run the downgrader, type "./phasebandowngrader"
Good luck folks!!!! Post results here but have seen positive feedback ^_^
Note- So if you have the latest version 2.2.1 then you can software unlock your iPhone 3G
Download here:
To run the pHaseBanDowngrader, connect via SSH to your iPhone and copy the downloaded folder (phasebandowngrader) into the folder "/Applications" on your iPhone.
Note: The folder MUST named phasebandowngrader with lowercase letters!
To run it, open MobileTerminal and type "login". The user is "root" and password is "alpine" by default. Then type: "cd / Applications/phasebandowngrader/", then, to run the downgrader, type "./phasebandowngrader"
Good luck folks!!!! Post results here but have seen positive feedback ^_^