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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Mar 11, 2009
So like an idiot, I tried to update the iPhone 3.0 Beta software on my iPhone, without having a developers account or anything. I completed the update to 3.0 and it told me that since i wasn't a registered member that my iphone did not update correctly.

Now i have a bricked iPhone.

I looked EVERYWHERE for the iPhone Firmware 2.2.1 or 2.2 and I found it multiple times but every time i download it here on my macbook it downloads a zip file, i use archive utility to unzip the file and instead of getting an icon that looks like this....

i get a folder with all this junk in it....

all i need is the iPhone Firmware 2.2.1 .ipsw file and i can (option-click) it and restore, but everytime i download the so called "Firmware 2.2.1.ipsw it turns out to be that picture up above, a folder with a bunch of junk in it.

I figured i would rename the .zip file of the firmware to a .ipsw file, tried it and got this error....

please. any help would be so grateful..........i have a bricked white iPhone 3G on my hands :(
Well you can get the .ipsw file here:

But i think when you upgraded your phone to 3.0 it also upgrades the baseband and that baseband will not work for 2.2.1. You will need to do some extreme baseband hacking. I hope you know how to do that. Good Luck. Sorry I couldnt be more helpful
Do people have any side effects because of downgrading?

As far as I know the new baseband works just fine with 2.2.1, so don't scare people.
You're supposed to change the .zip file to .ipsw I believe.

And you don't need to download 2.2.1, it's stored in iTunes. Just follow the many, many instructions out there to downgrade.

And yes, you will have a fully functional phone once again.
hey man i got a dev account and would be willing to help you if you havent figured it out also if you create a custom rom it will down grade the baseband and yes the 2.2.1 and 2.2 will not work on the baseband established in 3.0 because of new features
Rename the ZIP file to .ISPW

If you are on 10.5.6, make sure you run the usb drivers from 10.5.5.. (search for how to enter dfu mode on mac)

Errors >100 mean you didn't enter DFU mode correctly..

You are looking for an error along the lines of 10xx... search the other threads on how to restore after you get that error.. You may need to bootcamp into windows to run windows quickpwn, because I can't get it to work on my mac..

hey man i got a dev account and would be willing to help you if you havent figured it out also if you create a custom rom it will down grade the baseband and yes the 2.2.1 and 2.2 will not work on the baseband established in 3.0 because of new features

is there a way i could use your dev account for my phone. i really dont want to by in but i will. email me
messed up mu ipod touch =[

hey man i got a dev account and would be willing to help you if you havent figured it out also if you create a custom rom it will down grade the baseband and yes the 2.2.1 and 2.2 will not work on the baseband established in 3.0 because of new features

is there any way i could use ur dev. account?? i really need my ipod back n i cnt sync it since im not a developer =/plz answer asap here or at
help to downgrade from 3.0 to 2.2.1

i had a iphone working fine with 2.2 firmware than i installed iphone 3.0 beta through iTunes.Installation complete without any error than it show the message insert valid sim card.than i tried to jailbreak my iphone with unofficial quickpwn jailbreak software beta 2 but its shows message like this your firmware don't match,

then i downgared to 2.2.1 than without jailbreaking it i again downgrade it to 2.2 now i have 2.2 firmware but baseband is changed to 4.20.01 so i cant get signal..

i had jailbroken iphone so i m not registrade member to apple so help me plzzzzzzzzzz

thanks in advance to me
hey man i got a dev account and would be willing to help you if you havent figured it out also if you create a custom rom it will down grade the baseband and yes the 2.2.1 and 2.2 will not work on the baseband established in 3.0 because of new features

help to downgrade from 3.0 to 2.2.1


i had a iphone working fine with 2.2 firmware than i installed iphone 3.0 beta through iTunes.Installation complete without any error than it so the message insert valid sim card.than i tried to jailbreak my iphone with unofficial quickpwn jailbreak software beta 2 but its shows message like this your firmware don't match,

then i downgared to 2.2.1 than without jailbreaking it i again downgrade it to 2.2 now i have 2.2 firmware but baseband is changed to 4.20.01 so i cant get signal..

i had jailbroken iphone so i m not registrade member to apple so help me plzzzzzzzzzz

thanks in advance to me
So like an idiot, I tried to update the iPhone 3.0 Beta software on my iPhone, without having a developers account or anything. I completed the update to 3.0 and it told me that since i wasn't a registered member that my iphone did not update correctly.

Now i have a bricked iPhone.

I looked EVERYWHERE for the iPhone Firmware 2.2.1 or 2.2 and I found it multiple times but every time i download it here on my macbook it downloads a zip file, i use archive utility to unzip the file and instead of getting an icon that looks like this....

i get a folder with all this junk in it....

all i need is the iPhone Firmware 2.2.1 .ipsw file and i can (option-click) it and restore, but everytime i download the so called "Firmware 2.2.1.ipsw it turns out to be that picture up above, a folder with a bunch of junk in it.

I figured i would rename the .zip file of the firmware to a .ipsw file, tried it and got this error....

please. any help would be so grateful..........i have a bricked white iPhone 3G on my hands :(

You have to download it from Firefox. Safari automatically does it in a zip file which essentially ruins the file, mo matter what you change the extension to afterwards.
Dont update to iphone os 3.0 beta 2 it crashes ur iphone

I have tried to update to iphone os 3.0 beta 2.
I installed it succsesfully than jailbroke it..
Than it worked fine but when i turn off it once and tried to
Turn it on it was stuck on apple logo....i have lost my iphone once its shown
windows blue screen on iphone memory dumping

So dont upgrade to iphone os 3.0 beta 2 if u want ur IPHONE anymore.......
hey man i got a dev account and would be willing to help you if you havent figured it out also if you create a custom rom it will down grade the baseband and yes the 2.2.1 and 2.2 will not work on the baseband established in 3.0 because of new features

im having a problem downgrading firware so if you could please help me i would greatly appreciate it. is my email
I don't think it is possible to downgrade

Hi. I have the gold master build of iPhone 3.0 OS on my iPhone 3g.

I would like to downgrade to 2.2.1

I put my phone in DFU properly and hit alt + restore. I chose the 2.2.1 build_5H11_restore.ipsw file under username-library-itunes-iphone software updates.

However, after "extracting software," I get error (20) saying that it can't restore the iphone. I have been playing with it a lot. I can put the 3.0 back on no problem, but how in the world do I downgrade to 2.2.1 again????

Thanks for the help
More information

*Dragonlance* True, but even after the wait the same problem would be occurring due to the firmware.

After diligent searching everywhere, I may have found a solution. I have yet to try it, but you can find the information here:

Basically itunes 8.2 will not allow you to do it, thus you have to first downgrade itunes 8.2 to itunes 8.2beta.

I'll try it soon at report back.

Hope this helps, and if anyone has further comments let me know.

*Dragonlance* True, but even after the wait the same problem would be occurring due to the firmware.

No he said :
I completed the update to 3.0 and it told me that since i wasn't a registered member that my iphone did not update correctly.

If he had waited till june 17th this problem, the entire issue here, would not have occurred because the update would have worked properly.
IF still getting 160x error, Try this method
Originally Posted by xtronic from
You can still downgrade 2G iPhone to any firmware even 2.2.1 using my method

You will need ..
1-QuickPwnRC3 download from here (
2-2G Ipsw 2.0.2
3-iTunes 8.2
These steps is to put the iPhone in a mode to allow iTunes to restore to lowers ipsw, if you do DFU the normal way iTunes will give all possibele errors such as 1600, 1601, 20 etc.
Now follow my steps..
A-Open QuickpwnRC3 and follw the steps and select 2.0.2 IPSW and when the screen turn to White color , unplug the USB ( Screen will remians White color).
B-Disconnect QuickpwnRc3
C-Reconnect iPhone
D-iTunes will discover iphone in Recover mode.
E-Shift+Restore to 2.2.1 (with Quickpwn 2.2.5 –

Itunes continues the restore process without any erorr

100% works on booth 2G-3G
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