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Capt Inc

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2017
Maryland, USA
I am currently running my iPhone 6s on iOS 11.2.5 and I want to downgrade it to either iOS 11.1.2 or iOS 11.2.2. Before anyone says that this isn't possible, I say that there is always a way. I have a number of iTunes backups ranging all the way back to iOS 9, but I don't really think these will be helpful as iTunes does not restore the OS with the backup. Is this assumption always correct?

Anyone have some creative ideas/suggestions or work arounds? I'm open to every and any suggestion. Thank you everyone!


Jan 3, 2014
"The way" is probably to jailbreak your device if the version you want isn't being signed by Apple any more. If it is still being signed then a good search on here should show you a way using the ipsw file.


macrumors 68020
Oct 28, 2006
Chicago, IL
I am currently running my iPhone 6s on iOS 11.2.5 and I want to downgrade it to either iOS 11.1.2 or iOS 11.2.2. Before anyone says that this isn't possible, I say that there is always a way. I have a number of iTunes backups ranging all the way back to iOS 9, but I don't really think these will be helpful as iTunes does not restore the OS with the backup. Is this assumption always correct?

Anyone have some creative ideas/suggestions or work arounds? I'm open to every and any suggestion. Thank you everyone!

Tried google?
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Capt Inc

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2017
Maryland, USA
"The way" is probably to jailbreak your device if the version you want isn't being signed by Apple any more. If it is still being signed then a good search on here should show you a way using the ipsw file.
I'd jailbreak my phone in an instant right now, if there was a way to do so on iOS 11.2.5. Hopefully someone can find an exploit in 11.2.5
Tried google?
Many times, with no luck so far. Any suggestions yourself?

Evelyn Harthbrooke

macrumors 6502
Oct 22, 2013
They stopped signing earlier versions of iOS 11, so you're technically SOL unless you're jailbroken and have shsh blobs to be able to go back to an earlier iOS release. The only currently signed version of iOS 11 is the version you are running right now, which is 11.2.5. So yeah, I think you're stuck on 11.2.5.

Capt Inc

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2017
Maryland, USA
They stopped signing earlier versions of iOS 11, so you're technically SOL unless you're jailbroken and have shsh blobs to be able to go back to an earlier iOS release. The only currently signed version of iOS 11 is the version you are running right now, which is 11.2.5. So yeah, I think you're stuck on 11.2.5.
I'm not currently jailbroken, and the only blobs I have right now are for 11.2.5.

You mentioned "unless you're jailbroken". I take it that was a slip-up to say, seeing as there is no current 11.2.5 jailbreak? Correct? or am I just analyzing peoples' posts too much lol


macrumors 603
May 1, 2013
If there was an easy way to do this then it wouldn't be such a big deal. A jailbreak will not help you unless you're on iPhone 5s or 4s. And even that wouldn't get you to earlier versions of iOS 11.

Why do you want to downgrade? iOS 11.1.2 has particular critical bugs and security issues that have since been fixed.
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macrumors 6502
Nov 2, 2017
Not possible. Even if you had saved your blobs, you'd still need a jailbreak or at least an exploit for 11.2.5 so you can set the nonce SO ONLY THEN you can use the blobs for the firmware you want.


no blobs> impossible.
yes blobs>need to wait for a nonce setter to be released (which requires a jailbreak or a major exploit) to use the blobs>until then, it's impossible to downgrade.
Last edited:

Capt Inc

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2017
Maryland, USA
Not possible. Even if you had saved your blobs, you'd still need a jailbreak or at least an exploit for 11.2.5 so you can set the nonce SO ONLY THEN you can use the blobs for the firmware you want.


no blobs> impossible.
yes blobs>need to wait for a nonce setter to be released (which requires a jailbreak or a major exploit) to use the blobs>until then, it's impossible to downgrade.
Brilliant, so I'm basically stuck. Any news on finding an exploit in 11.2.5 yet?

Capt Inc

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Feb 20, 2017
Maryland, USA
Yes you are. But why do you want to downgrade in the first place? Earlier iOS versions have serious security vulnerabilities that you do NOT want to be vulnerable against and that were fixed in iOS 11.2.5.
There is no current jailbreak for iOS 11.2.5. iOS 11.1.2 is jailbreakable right now. An exploit was found in iOS 11.2.2 that could allow for a jailbreak, but hasn't been released to the public yet.

Best case scenario is someone will be able to find an exploit in 11.2.5 that leads to a jailbreak, hopefully soon.
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