Thanks, I am not looking for illegal activities. Looking for a reasonable solution for ditching DTV and easy way to have a "DVR" for shows we miss. I think its a shame thatcharges for free tv shows.
Is there somewhere that you can download full free tv episodes that work with ATV2?
I am not looking for paid shows on networks like HBO, Showtime or anything like that, just stuff that would be on local TV, ABC, CBS and such.
They aren't free. They are paid via advertising and other business deals like syndication. So it's reasonable to pay for a TV show that airs over network TV that doesn't have advertising. Not like we can get TV show season DVD sets for free for over the air broadcasts.
Apple does offer single episodes of some TV shows for free and there may be opportunities later to stream from the content provider or via third parties like hulu.
On the occasions where we miss an important episode of a series, we've paid the $0.99 to rent it from iTunes.I'm not really looking for seasons or the pilot episode, just the occasional, hey we missed our show, lets go watch it now situation.
On the occasions where we miss an important episode of a series, we've paid the $0.99 to rent it from iTunes.
If you have an iPhone or iPad, you can get a lot of different video player apps and use AirPlay to watch your stuff via the Apple TV.
I do have an iphone, what video player apps are you talking about?
That is an option, and I am not opposed to that. I am thinking of going with an OTA DVR and supplimenting with theTV
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