For already Ipad users;
Just a question - is it possible to download files while browsing with safari? Are these files restricted? where would they be saved?
If not - is there an app doing so?
Thanks in advance;
The only things I can download are files compatible with the OS, like PDF, DOC... into apps that are installed.
Can't be done through Safari.
I use a VNC client to access my home computer and download stuff onto that using a full-blown browser. Which I can then share on my MobileMe disk - very convoluted!
Does Safari let you do this?
Because I tried downloading a PDF on Safari and it didn't work. The PDF would load and I could see it, but when I tried to touch it and bring up a dialogue box, nothing happened. Am I doing something wrong?
Yes, I did yesterday. It let me view/save in one of my PDF apps. Doc files can be saved to pages.
I have Air Sharing, would that be an app PDF's would be able to be saved in?
Probably not, you need an app that interfaces with the OS. With good reader you can open compatible files from email and safari. You could contact the company to have them put those features in.