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macrumors member
Original poster
Jul 24, 2008
I've searched and can't find any good help threads. I was wondering how do I download files, like video other than QT to my iPhone? I keep getting "safari can't download this file".

Also where do the files go so you can retrieve them?
I've installed SSH. From there, I have no clue.
Unfortunately, the iPhone does not have a file system (except for one third party app on the App store but its complicated). Sometimes, you can view embeded quicktime video if its in the correct format. Some videos simply don't work. The only thing you can do is bookmark the video's web address in Safari. That's the closest to a file system you'll get.

The only thing you can download on the iPhone from the internet is pictures. You just tap and hold on the picture and a menu prompts you to save the photo. It then gets placed in your camera role.
um if you have a jailbroken phone then install the safari download plugin.

Yes I'm jailbroke. Got ssh and the plugin, yet every link I touch gives me the "safari can't download" message. *frustrated*
can anyone help me out? I've downloaded the plugins yet safari won't allow anything to download.
i have installed this plugin and it works for some files.

my main problem is that sometimes instead of the file i requested being downloaded the following file is downloaded:


this file does nothing. it happens when i try to download a file from rapidshare or megaupload.

for example a torrent file named myfreebook.torrent will be downloaded as download.php and can't be opened in dtunes or ctorrent.

anyone shed some light on this?

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