It appears only when you initiate a download order. try to download any thing and ... you'll see.
So a strange thing happened. I noticed the downloads icon had disappeared from my toolbar, thinking it was just a forgotten error I went to put it back and..
It's probably something real simple I'm missing, any thoughts?
Are you serious.
It's been a long day for me but I didn't think it had got that bad.
Just make sure that you change the setting Remove download list items (Settings → General) to anything other than Upon successful download. The button will persist for as long as there are previous entries in the download list. Once you clear it, the button disappears.
It doesnt seem to be possible to keep it permanently though. Even when set to Manually, the list will be cleared once Safari quits (a bug maybe?).
Appreciate the thoughts, and from others. I wasn't aware it vanished when the folder was empty, I've always had it set to 'manual' to keep track of previous downloads.
Has it always had this 'feature'? I hadn't noticed before it became a chore to get the address bar centred in this new version.
This is the one thing that helped me quickly. The DL folder isnt empty but the list of DL's that go to the folder is set to clear regularly. I changed to manual and all is better now. Thanks!Just make sure that you change the setting “Remove download list items” (Settings → General) to anything other than “Upon successful download”. The button will persist for as long as there are previous entries in the download list. Once you clear it, the button disappears.
It doesn’t seem to be possible to keep it permanently though. Even when set to “Manually”, the list will be cleared once Safari quits (a bug maybe?).
This is the one thing that helped me quickly. The DL folder isnt empty but the list of DL's that go to the folder is set to clear regularly. I changed to manual and all is better now. Thanks!
I have the same problem but isn't popping up.