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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jun 13, 2012
I was wondering if I was the only one having that problem.

Currently running MBP 8,1 (early 2011, 13" 2.4i5), and have been running MLDP1 without too many problems for almost 6 months. However, whenever I've tried to upgrade to DP2, 3, or even now 4, for some reason lose my coreaudio. The speaker icon in the menu bar is greyed out, coreaudio isn't in activity monitor, there are no sound drivers in audio midi setup, wifi, spotlight, etc are laggy like crazy, and I can't run system preferences without it stopping to respond. I checked all my pLists and other .components for core audio and they're all there and normal size... from looking at the pLists, it seems its the switch to sandboxing which may cause the problem.

I was wondering if anyone has also had this problem, and whether someone could offer a possible fix?

Thanks a lot
Last edited:
Since the GM is out... thought I'd BUMP.

Still same problem with the GM, and I think I've tried everything. Any help would really be appreciated.

Thanks a lot
Are u using a sound card?
if you are, that soundboard has to have 64 bit drivers to work on DP 2 and later.
I sold my Tascam controller soundcard for that reason
Your internal Mac I/O should be working though.
Thanks a lot for the replies!

@xgman do you by any chance know how to do that through the terminal? The coreaudio crash means I can't use System Preferences. I didn't even know it could be disabled (silly me).

@seclusion I thought that too, but even my internal sound card doesn't work. After opening Audio/Midi setup (which takes like 10min to open now), it shows no valid soundcards installed. Activity Monitor also shows no coreaudiod...

Thanks for your advice on the 64-bit thing. I uninstalled Euphonix Monitor Express (some old audio driver/router), and everything got fixed instantly!
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