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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 20, 2012

Probably something that I am missing, as usual, but if someone could
explain to me, would be appreciative. Running High Sierra.

In the major Documents Folder (to the right of the vertical bar in the Dock), let's
say I have a Folder called BOB, and a WORD document called X sitting
by itself also in the Documents Folder (NOT in BOB).

I try to drag the document X into the BOB Folder.

Won't let me; it immediately shows up on the Desktop.
If I drag from the Desktop to BOB, same result.

But i can do it from an "Open Documents" list (all the "stuff" in the Documents Folder).

Why can't I simply drag X into BOB directly ?

It sounds like you are using dock stacks, which aren't that great for moving operations like you are trying to do. I recommend doing this from the Finder, just open a Finder window, go to your documents folder and try the drag and drop operation there.

Yes, it works just fine from the Finder.

By "Stacks," do you mean what I have in the major Documents Folder which are all individual icons for the Folders and individual documents ?

Still very curious why I can't do it from the
major documents Folder (the icon to the right of the dock vertical line) ?

No big deal now, as works fine from Finder, but would like to learn. Wonder why can't do from there ?
Sure is a lot to know.

Thanks again,
OP wrote:
"Yes, it works just fine from the Finder."

That's the way it's supposed to work.

The finder is your "file manager".

When you move files into/out of folders, you are "managing" them, thus, you need to use a file manager.

Which again, is what the finder is...
Still very curious why I can't do it from the
major documents Folder (the icon to the right of the dock vertical line) ?

Like the others say it's hard to see exactly what you mean, but the folder you are referring is a "Stack" and even though it looks similar to the Finder it's not the Finder and behaves differently.

In general stacks are meant for launching things, but when you drag and drop from a stack, usually you are meant to drag from a stack to the desktop or to a Finder window and vice-versa, that's how it's generally intended to be used. It's not really designed for you to drag and drop within the same stack unfortunately.
Like the others say it's hard to see exactly what you mean, but the folder you are referring is a "Stack" and even though it looks similar to the Finder it's not the Finder and behaves differently.

In general stacks are meant for launching things, but when you drag and drop from a stack, usually you are meant to drag from a stack to the desktop or to a Finder window and vice-versa, that's how it's generally intended to be used. It's not really designed for you to drag and drop within the same stack unfortunately.

All clear now.

Thanks for the explanations,
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