I'm carbonatiing, tweaking, and ultimately cocoafying an old pre-carbon PPC app. It's a computation intensive thing whose main output is a square, tesselating 2D graphics image, much like the "Texture Explorer" in Kai's Power Tools.
It's going fine, mostly; I've been able to copy the pre-Carb GWorld output to a Cocoa window, using code that I got from some PDF in the Carbon documentation, whose name I can't remember now. (see below).
It draws fine into the Cocoa window, ultimately I get the whole image in there and it's perfect. The only problem is that the image won't show up in the window until I first cover it up with another window. Until I cover it up and then reveal it again, it's just white space, or the previous image, depending. Is there some kind of "Flush()" function I need to call?
I admit that I'm trying to straddle the fence here-- I'm trying to add "Cocoaness", while the main Event Loop is still that same old legacy thing... But my strategy is to take this thing in steps; I'm keeping the legacy app code running while I tweak the code to the newer tech...
Oops-- looks like tabs=8 here; sorry!
Here is what I copied, mostly, from some Apple PDF:
It's going fine, mostly; I've been able to copy the pre-Carb GWorld output to a Cocoa window, using code that I got from some PDF in the Carbon documentation, whose name I can't remember now. (see below).
It draws fine into the Cocoa window, ultimately I get the whole image in there and it's perfect. The only problem is that the image won't show up in the window until I first cover it up with another window. Until I cover it up and then reveal it again, it's just white space, or the previous image, depending. Is there some kind of "Flush()" function I need to call?
I admit that I'm trying to straddle the fence here-- I'm trying to add "Cocoaness", while the main Event Loop is still that same old legacy thing... But my strategy is to take this thing in steps; I'm keeping the legacy app code running while I tweak the code to the newer tech...
void DrawMainWinBox(void) {
if (!gMainWinP)
if (!gCurrentPattern)
CGrafPtr mainGrafP = GetWindowPort( gMainWinP );
CGContextRef contextR;
OSErr err = CreateCGContextForPort( mainGrafP , &contextR );
if (err)
numDbg( err );
Rect mainRect;
GetPortBounds( mainGrafP, &mainRect );
InvalWindowRect( gMainWinP, &mainRect );
GWorldPtr gWorldP = PeekMacGeneratorWorld();
PixMapHandle pixMapH = GetGWorldPixMap( gWorldP );
long bytesPerRow = GetPixRowBytes( pixMapH );
Ptr baseP = GetPixBaseAddr( pixMapH );
Draw32BitARGBToContext( baseP, mainRect, bytesPerRow, contextR );
Oops-- looks like tabs=8 here; sorry!
Here is what I copied, mostly, from some Apple PDF:
void Draw32BitARGBToContext( void* iBitsP, Rect placeRect, size_t iBytesPerRow, CGContextRef contextR ) {
CGRect placeCGRect;
CGDataProviderRef provider;
CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
size_t size;
CGImageRef image;
float width, height;
width = placeRect.right - placeRect.left;
height = placeRect.bottom - placeRect.top;
size = iBytesPerRow * height;
// Create a data provider with a pointer to the memory bits
provider = CGDataProviderCreateWithData( NULL, iBitsP, size, NULL );
// Colorspace can be device, calibrated, or ICC profile based
colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
image = CGImageCreate (
width, //size_t width,
height, //size_t height,
8, //size_t bitsPerComponent,
32, //size_t bitsPerPixel,
iBytesPerRow, //size_t bytesPerRow,
colorSpace, //CGColorSpaceRef colorspace,
kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipFirst, //CGBitmapInfo bitmapInfo,
provider, //CGDataProviderRef provider,
NULL, //const CGFloat decode[],
false, //bool shouldInterpolate,
kCGRenderingIntentDefault //CGColorRenderingIntent intent
// Once the image is created we can release our reference to the provider and the colorspace.
// They will be retained by the image.
CGDataProviderRelease( provider );
CGColorSpaceRelease( colorSpace );
// Determine the location where the image will be drawn in userspace.
placeCGRect = CGRectMake( placeRect.left, placeRect.top, width, height );
// Draw the image to the Core Graphics context
CGContextDrawImage( contextR, placeCGRect, image );
CGImageRelease( image );