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I want to be able to draw a map using my GPS tracklogs as a guide. What I envisage is saving the above image as a JPEG or something and then bringing it into an app and being able to use the JPEG as a guide to help me create an Apple Pencil drawing on a separate layer. And then save only the separate layer.

Are you aware of any apps that might help in this respect?

PS: if case you are wondering, the map above is of the Tafraoute area of Morocco, per photos at
Using a .jpg as you describe is going to be awkward because you lose the geolocation data that could correctly orient the image on a map (I make maps myself: I would use the .gpx files directly from your GPS, or edit them in Garmin Basecamp if needed. There are many apps that can import .gpx files and display them on different maps. A inexpensive one is Map Plus: (I believe it has a one week free trial of the Pro version).

For more control you could use a GIS app such as iGIS and CartoMobile: Of course, these are more expensive and might be more than you need. But there are a number of other apps for making your own maps, try some app store searches with keywords such as GIS, maps and GPS.

But reading your post again, now I’m not sure if you really want a “map” or just an image. What are you going to do with this “map”? Do you want to use it with an app that will show your position on the map? Or is it just a static picture to use as an illustration? If it’s just a picture, then I suppose it’s just a matter of editing a screenshot in a graphics program.
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What you are asking for is really easily done in any drawing application that has layers functionality. Either hide the map layer after you are done drawing, or delete the map (depending on the drawing app's functionality). It can be done in Keynote.

I have recently starting using a free app calls "PicsArt" that allows for the very thing you are describing. There are ads in the app, but it does not put any watermarks on the saved images created. It is rather robust app that allows for lots of image editing. It's interface looks like it is designed for kids and integrates with social media. However, it's output can be mature and professional.

If you want a more sophisticated looking drawing app I think Tayasui Sketches (also free) will meet your requirements. It has more complex drawing tools. I got a hold of the Sketches Pro app a some time ago when it was a "Free App of the Week" (back when Apple did that).

By the way, when it comes to image quality, maps are best saved as PNGs.

Saving money is not a crime.
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Thanks @Boyd01, and wow, I love your maps at

At the moment the tracklogs are in Garmin Mapsource which many people still prefer to Basecamp. But that's a by-the-by, your last para has it.

All I want to do is to create my own simple map that will be used as an illustration. So I would simplify everything except 'turn here' level of detail. I had thought of doing this using tracing paper and different thickness artists pens and then scanning the resulting sketch but that is so old school.
[doublepost=1529510960][/doublepost]Hi @CrystalQuest76. Confusingly there's four apps called PicsArt in the appstore, discarding PicsArt Video/movie editor and PicsArt Animator I'm left with PicsArt PhotoEditor and PicsArt ColorPaint, so I've downloaded both of those.

As luck had it I had already downloaded Tayasui Sketches, so will have a play with that as well.
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At the moment the tracklogs are in Garmin Mapsource which many people still prefer to Basecamp. But that's a by-the-by, your last para has it.

Cool - I still primarily use Mapsource for testing my own maps because it's simpler and faster. And if you use third party maps, you are better off sticking with Mapsource at the moment. Garmin's last update in May (Basecamp 4.7/MapInstall 4.2) broke MapInstall and it will no longer install maps. This is creating a lot of problems for people because it appears to work, but the map file is corrupt.

Thanks for your kind words about my maps, and I'm sure you will be able to find some software to do what you want on the iPad. But you might also find this technique useful if you want to do it on your computer with Google Earth. It would have the advantage of creating a map that also works on Garmin GPS.
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