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macrumors 603
Original poster
Feb 15, 2009
Toronto, Canada
I'd like to draw network diagrams and wonder if anyone can recommend a simple to use app for OSX.
A few years back when I was spending much more time wearing a networking hat, I had explored and purchased a copy of Omnigrapple for network maps.

Its a good product from a solid company.

It will probably never have all the different (supplied and user created) network image templates that Visio has.

Also, you can exchange your network diagrams back and forth with Visio, as long as you save in the Visio XML format.

Hope this helps
Check out Diagrammix, much cheaper the OmniGraffle....

I was about to dismiss your comment, but after digging around, I found that they do have some nice networking templates.

And $20 USD is a nice price.

Did you list this product merely as an alternative? Or are you using it as a network diagramming product that you enjoy using?

Comments appreciated.
I was about to dismiss your comment, but after digging around, I found that they do have some nice networking templates.

And $20 USD is a nice price.

Did you list this product merely as an alternative? Or are you using it as a network diagramming product that you enjoy using?

Comments appreciated.

I use it for things process flow charts, but knew it could do what you needed. Plus, much cheaper than OmniAnything.....
A few years back when I was spending much more time wearing a networking hat, I had explored and purchased a copy of Omnigrapple for network maps.

Its a good product from a solid company.

It will probably never have all the different (supplied and user created) network image templates that Visio has.

OmniGraffle can import many Visio stencils allowing you to use them in OG.

I do agree the Diagrammix is a nice inexpensive alternative. I've used it since it's initial release and it keeps getting better. The in app purchases add a few nice features at a low price as well.

The big advantage I see in OG is its ability to import from and export to Visio; although the import or export is not always clean. If someone needs to be able to edit your diagrams later that may be a useful function. if not, Diagrammix is a great choice.
OmniGraffle can import many Visio stencils allowing you to use them in OG.
That;s why I personally chose Omnigraffle - the power, flexibility and ability to access visio documents. I can't knock the OP for going with the other product, 20 bucks is hard to beat especially if you need it for a one thing.
There is a concept mapping tool (mind mapping that includes cross-linking) called Inspiration - been around for a zillion years and marketed to the K12 schools, but it is a powerful tool, allowing you to switch between outline and diagram views dynamically, and each node can have comprehensive notes behind it. This can then be exported to a word processor, for completing documentation. Automated and manual layouts of nodes are both available, along with drag and drop of any graphic object into the diagram, and it becomes a node with connection points. Nothing faster for creating diagrams - click and type, node created. Set up your own symbol library.
Just moments ago, we had a post here regarding a product called mydraw. Looked like it was a self-promotion from the author, but, and FWIW, that was OK.

Also note, I made post #5 in this thread, back in 2013.

I went and looked at the support site for the mydraw product. I have not used the Mydraw product myself, so I can't give it a thumbs up or down, in regards to actual usage.

To get to the meat of my post though, at a time in my career when I was solely wearing a network hat, and had to have an extra box on my desktop, to run windows, necessary to run visio for network documentation.

I produced a lot of documentation during that time, and is was all pre-XML visio.

From reading the visio support documentation on the mydraw site, I note a similarity to the omni graffle product, in as much as the visio documents that either product is capable of importing is limited to the newer XML visio documents, and specifically not the pre-xml documents.

This small fact probably isn't relevant to most, but, I have quite a bit of older network diagrams that I occasionally am required to reference, so this feature is relevant to me.
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