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macrumors member
Original poster
Nov 4, 2003
Sheffield - England
...released today :)

• Timeline replaced! - Thank God.

• Quicker and no more jump to top of page glitches when amending text in the design layout.

• Files now save as html - not htm - Double Thank God.

Good update seems a lot better - now all I need is an update for Flash 2004 Pro to make the keyboard commands work.
They've been busy lately. It's starting to look as though they have time to care again since they've finished with the tab mess.
It is a lot quicker, still to find out if it's quicker copying text in and around but it's a huge improvement, but in general a lot better all round.

Hopefully it will stop opening files and hiding the tabs as well.
Thank god. I've been waiting for this. DW 2004 has been barely usable. Its much faster now. The release notes claim up to a 20% speed increase on OS X. FTP is much snappier now. It doesnt refresh the whole remote view every time you expand a folder.
They fixed the window position bug too. Where the main window would jump behind the insert bar when you tried to maximize it.
Filevault problems

Unfortunately they have yet to solve the filevault issues. Still cannot 'Preview in Browser' - quite annoying.

-- Andrew.
> Unfortunately they have yet to solve the filevault issues. Still
> cannot 'Preview in Browser' - quite annoying.

When using File Vault, the OS treats the encrypted home directory as it's own *disk*. For example, a local site path will be relative to the home directory, not the hard drive root.
With File Vault enabled, this is the URL that PIB generates:
file:///pbossut/Sites/foo/test.html, which returns a 404.
If you change the path to:
file:///Users/pbossut/Sites/foo/test.html, then you get to preview the correct page.

The most consistent workaround currently is to turn File Vault off, which unfortunately takes a long time while files are being un-encrypted.


Cheers Philippe, I was already aware of that. Its frustrating to have to sticks a Users/ in the URL each time I want to preview.

Suppose keeping the .html file open in safari and refreshing for a preview will have to do for now.


pbossut said:
> Unfortunately they have yet to solve the filevault issues. Still
> cannot 'Preview in Browser' - quite annoying.

When using File Vault, the OS treats the encrypted home directory as it's own *disk*. For example, a local site path will be relative to the home directory, not the hard drive root.
With File Vault enabled, this is the URL that PIB generates:
file:///pbossut/Sites/foo/test.html, which returns a 404.
If you change the path to:
file:///Users/pbossut/Sites/foo/test.html, then you get to preview the correct page.

The most consistent workaround currently is to turn File Vault off, which unfortunately takes a long time while files are being un-encrypted.

different issue, but i'm desperate now...

Has anyone had Dreamweaver MX 2004 (with updater) unexpectedly quit CONTINUOUSLY, no matter what they're trying to do?

I can't even open one page in my site for editing ever since I installed the updater (running 10.3.3 as of last week, started the new site 2 days ago, installed updater yesterday). Every time I try to open the program, it just quits!

In case it's relevant, I am building a site in PHP/MySQL, and I was humming along just fine until I installed that updater... The webhost's servers are running fine, and I've already gotten a couple pages of the site built. Also, I've erased and reinstalled MX 2004 (without updater) at least 3 times.
OmegachiQ said:
Has anyone had Dreamweaver MX 2004 (with updater) unexpectedly quit CONTINUOUSLY, no matter what they're trying to do?

I can't even open one page in my site for editing ever since I installed the updater (running 10.3.3 as of last week, started the new site 2 days ago, installed updater yesterday). Every time I try to open the program, it just quits!

In case it's relevant, I am building a site in PHP/MySQL, and I was humming along just fine until I installed that updater... The webhost's servers are running fine, and I've already gotten a couple pages of the site built. Also, I've erased and reinstalled MX 2004 (without updater) at least 3 times.

Sounds as if the preferences are damaged. Find them, and move them out of the folder and see what happens. You'll have to re-input any non-default preferences.
bousozoku said:
Sounds as if the preferences are damaged. Find them, and move them out of the folder and see what happens. You'll have to re-input any non-default preferences.

Well, I did that, and no luck. I looked in every folder I could think of, removed anything that said Macromedia or Dreamweaver, and completely erased it, then installed it again.

Nothing. The program opens, runs well, as long as I don't do anything, and the minute I go to use it, it quits. I just opened the crash log - doesn't look good for Dreamweaver. Macromedia (sigh) may just lose a customer if this keeps up.

OmegachiQ said:
Well, I did that, and no luck. I looked in every folder I could think of, removed anything that said Macromedia or Dreamweaver, and completely erased it, then installed it again.

Nothing. The program opens, runs well, as long as I don't do anything, and the minute I go to use it, it quits. I just opened the crash log - doesn't look good for Dreamweaver. Macromedia (sigh) may just lose a customer if this keeps up.


You might have to delete the Macrovision folder and re-activate your installation but I would definitely check the Macromedia site first.

bousozoku said:
You might have to delete the Macrovision folder and re-activate your installation but I would definitely check the Macromedia site first.

I think I did that already, too. And then I called Macromedia, and they offered 'free' support on their technical department's very NOT toll-free support line. Which makes it NOT free. (Who makes this stuff up?) I guess the Tech Dept. doesn't want a lot of people calling, so they didn't put in a toll-free line to discourage callers. This also discourages customers, though... :rolleyes:

Right now it seems to be working. The pages I was trying to edit must have some kind of error. Some of the ones I already built and uploaded work just fine, but others cause the program to quit. I think I will just take that main file, and build off that one until MM gets back to me. Perhaps I will delete the erroneous files, and download the 'good' ones from the server.

Thanks for all your help. Hopefully this trend of working software will continue. ;)

BTW, when it does work, it's not especially slow (at least not to me), but I will not install that update again, since that's when the trouble started.
They should actually want copies of the pages that cause the problem. If some work and others don't, I would think that there is a problem in parsing (decoding) the HTML. I've had problems with GoLive where a tag would be out of order, so I would drop into the source and change it and GoLive would complain that it didn't think it was right.

You might go to the W3C website and paste the text into the validation testing page to see how it reacts. You may learn something. :)
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