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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Jan 9, 2011
Hello all, i wanted to promote my App, its not completely new while already in Version 1.3.2 (and 2 Updates are in Progress), but i think its not having the Attention it might possible deserve so thats why i wanted to promote it here:

Drop Circles is a kind of an App Launcher or a Dock Extension, it sits quietly and invisible either on the left or the right Side of your Screen and waits for your Action:


You can either activate it by click to launch an App from your Drop Circles Sets or drag something agains the Screen edge to open a File or anything else with a desired Application.

You see always 4 Circles but there are more, toggle either with modifier or Scroll Wheel, 8 regular Circles and 4 Utilities

Drop Circles also provides a drop Area, simply drag something agains your Screen Edge and drop it onto the centerCircle to keep it for later or use it by dragging it out into another App on another Space.
Double click it to see a Preview, either its an Image, a Text Snippet ir a File.

But you can do more:

You can config a Circle to copy or Move a file to a Folder of your choice.

But there is still more: Drop Circles proves a Collection of Utility Circles which can be chosen from the Settings:

- Image Info : Get all exif Info for a Photo and if available with a live view on a map for GPS Data
- Image resize: Drop any Image to fast resize it.
- FTP Upload: Drop a file to auto upload it to a FTP Server.
- ShareIt: Drop something and Drop Circles offers you all the possible Share Actions OS X provides, you can config your preferred Actions.
- Translator: Drop a Text Snippet to translate it into system language
- Soon: SleepR : A very basic and simple Sleep timer for your Mac that just puts your Mac to sleep after a given amount of minutes

If someone is interested, the Product Page is:

the iTunes Store Link is:

the Price is: 1.99$
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