Hi guys,
Just wondering if anyone out there uses pages (or similar) on their iPad, and was trying to get the documents into their Dropbox folder (or anywhere locally on their mac come to think of it).
Not sure if this is the easiest way of doing it, so suggestions are welcome!
It basically involves having a Mac left on at home, using Mail and a simple rule to run an Applescript, saving the attachments of particular emails to your dropbox folder.
Anyway, here's how I do it:
For those who want to try it, here's the script I'm using: (remember to change the path for the file to be saved to!
Paste it into Applescript editor, and save as a script if you wish to use.
If anyone else has a simpler method, please share! Thanks
Just wondering if anyone out there uses pages (or similar) on their iPad, and was trying to get the documents into their Dropbox folder (or anywhere locally on their mac come to think of it).
Not sure if this is the easiest way of doing it, so suggestions are welcome!
It basically involves having a Mac left on at home, using Mail and a simple rule to run an Applescript, saving the attachments of particular emails to your dropbox folder.
Anyway, here's how I do it:
- email document (usually .pages) from iPad to myself, with subject 'Dropbox'.
- Mail.app on my iMac (constantly running at home) contains the following rule: "If mail is from [myself] AND subject equals [Dropbox] THEN run applescript, delete message.'
- The applescript grabs the mail attachment, and saves it to an 'emailed' folder in my Dropbox, meaning that the file is usually online within minutes of having sent it from the iPad.
For those who want to try it, here's the script I'm using: (remember to change the path for the file to be saved to!
Paste it into Applescript editor, and save as a script if you wish to use.
using terms from application "Mail"
on perform mail action with messages theMessages for rule theRule
tell application "Mail"
repeat with oneMessage in theMessages
set {mail attachment:theAttachments} to oneMessage
repeat with oneAttachment in mail attachments of oneMessage
save oneAttachment in ("Hackintosh:Users:Ed:Dropbox:emailed:") & (name of oneAttachment)
end repeat
end repeat
end tell
end perform mail action with messages
end using terms from
If anyone else has a simpler method, please share! Thanks