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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 1, 2008
I know, i feel like a huge tool. Anyways, I accidentally dropped the phone in the toilet. Everything seems to be working ok with one exception. My phone thinks the headphones are plugged in. I try playing music to check if the speakers are still working and when I turn the volume up or down it says headphones. Same problem if I try to make a phone call. I can't hear anything because it thinks the headphones are plugged in. I do know the speaker works though when i'm on the phone. Is there a way to fix this? I've tried rebooting several times and that didn't work. I tried going into safemode but that didn't work either. I'm posting this in the Hacks section because my phone is jailbroke and I'm trying to find out if I have to restore my phone in order to use my warranty.
your lucky i did the same thing, i got nothing out of it..Had to pay the 199 to get the out of warrenty replacement.
I make double sure to not bring my phone anywhere near the porcelain god.

But as stated above, the water sensors are the big issue.
well I must be very lucky because my Iphone is now working properly. I took a compressed air canister and used it inside the headphone jack. as of now it works perfectly.
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