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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 3, 2009
I dropped my iphone in water it seemed completly dead until about 3 weeks ago when it worked for 2 days and went kuput dead. anyone knowhow to fix this?
Life does not run backwards. See if your homeowners insurance will cover it. Buy another one. Get an otterbox next time. I am sorry that your iPhone got wet!
Pay the 1 time only $199 water damage charge at the apple store for a refurb phone.
If you didn't attempt to dry out your iPhone with rice or silica gel, then it's your own fault for dropping it in the water in the first place and then not aiding its potential recovery.

Most likely, your iPhone was in the process of drying itself out, but there was still some water inside. By using your iPhone again, it probably shorted out some of its circuits and died.


A. Go buy a brand new iPhone.


B. Replace your iPhone for $199.00 plus tax.
Don't go the homeowners/renters insurance route because you have a deductible that is probably at least $250.00. Plus it's not a covered loss.
Don't go the homeowners/renters insurance route because you have a deductible that is probably at least $250.00. Plus it's not a covered loss.

Mine is, would be if needed. I had to schedule mine in though.
I don't know what is most pernicious, the iPhone-in-water threads, or the MMS threads....

Seriously, it's electronic. Electronics don't like water, or beer, or OJ, or whatever was in that particular toilet. Matters not that is was an iPhone that went swimming, not one bit. Drop any electronic device not made for immersion into the deep and you will see the same results.
I don't know what is most pernicious, the iPhone-in-water threads, or the MMS threads....

Seriously, it's electronic. Electronics don't like water, or beer, or OJ, or whatever was in that particular toilet. Matters not that is was an iPhone that went swimming, not one bit. Drop any electronic device not made for immersion into the deep and you will see the same results.

Here's a conversation I overheard between a Genius and a stupid customer.

customer: "I dropped my iPhone in my glass of milk, and it's not working. what can i do?"

Genius: "See, that's the problem. If you dropped it into chocolate milk, it would've been fine."

Customer: "Really?"

Genius: "Hah, no. *pause...* $199 plus tax to replace it, or you can buy or upgrade to a new phone."

Customer: ":( oh..."
I did the same thing last weekend. Got my $199 OOW replacement Friday. If your phone is fairly new and you bought it with a credit card check to see if you have any kind of purchase protection with your credit card. For me it's 90 days of accidental damage/theft protection.
just for future info...

If you ever drop a electronic device in water...NEVER i repeat NEVER turn it on to see if it still works. This could cause actual damage while as water, if given AMPLE amounts of time to evap might not damage anything. I have a few EE friends that have told me time and time again that they actually will wash certain chips in soapy water right after SMD soldering or right after mounting on a circuit board.

I dunno if you tried and turned it on right after that, but its better to let it sit for a LONG LONG time and dry out before you turn it on for the first time.

Hope it all works out for you
Deep Sixed iPhone

I work on a fishing boat and deep sixed my iPhone , anybody know of a water proof case that floats? I use the iPhone camera to enhance my tip and send (email) my customer a photo of his or her catch instantly I also can notify the customer if I move boats via email once I get the address, I am starting to see the fruits of my labor I have a customers following me not the boat. A couple of the guys at the dock said to put it in a zip lock bag one problem it makes it hard to use and the photos turn out blurry.
I work on a fishing boat and deep sixed my iPhone , anybody know of a water proof case that floats? I use the iPhone camera to enhance my tip and send (email) my customer a photo of his or her catch instantly I also can notify the customer if I move boats via email once I get the address, I am starting to see the fruits of my labor I have a customers following me not the boat. A couple of the guys at the dock said to put it in a zip lock bag one problem it makes it hard to use and the photos turn out blurry.

there's a whole thread on it. or google it.
thanks for all the support guys but I went to see a mac genius today and she said I have to replace it. I wasn't even using it as an iphone. it was like a ipod touch. I will just wait til september and get a new touch eith camera and all. oh and HighLife420 thanks for the tip about not turning stuff on after being submerged in liquid. i will save it for future reference.
Help Me Please!!!!

okay my ipod touch fell out of my back pocket adn into the toilet.... i took it out and now it won't start properly like at first it was just cutting on and off adn it wouldn't let me slide the slider so i could put my password in and it was too dark for me to see and it kept cutting off and now it won't come on at all should i call appletech support and have them send me a new one or should i wait and see if it will cut on? Please help me!!! :):apple::p
call them if you like, but they will probably just say they will repair/replace it for a fee since it is user accidental damage :) had the same problem when i smashed my iphone screen getting out the car. £150 i believe it is. don't know what that is in dollars.
okay my ipod touch fell out of my back pocket adn into the toilet.... i took it out and now it won't start properly like at first it was just cutting on and off adn it wouldn't let me slide the slider so i could put my password in and it was too dark for me to see and it kept cutting off and now it won't come on at all should i call appletech support and have them send me a new one or should i wait and see if it will cut on? Please help me!!! :):apple::p

stick it in a bowl with DRY white rice... It will help dry it out... keep it off... take a few tylenol pm and remain calm! ;)
I submerged my iPhone and was able to return it to pre-submersion status

Was at my lakehouse standing on the dock and my cousin's 160lb dog saw a boat and ran down to chase it, knocking me in the water. I hadn't had the phone for 3 weeks.

Here's my step-by-step solution to saving a submerged iPhone:

1) Immediately turn off the phone. DO NOT, UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES, TRY TO SEE IF IT STILL WORKS. iPhones, unlike other cell phones, have much more and advanced circuitry that can fry the phone if electricity is running through it while it is wet.

2) Dry off the phone with a towel, T-shirt, whatever you have that will soak up excess water on the outside of the unit. Turn it right-side up and then upside down while gently shaking it to remove any excess water that may be trapped immediately inside the unit. DO NOT BLOW INTO ANY OF THE OPENINGS, this will only force water further into the unit!

3) Remove the SIM card slot at the top of the phone. This can be done by sticking a paper-clip or thumb tack into the pinhead-sized hole next to the headphone jack. The slot should just pop out but may stick since it is probably still wet.

4) Unless you have silica drying packets (you usually see these packed with new shoes and are designed to absorb moisture), take about a cup of dry, white rice, put it in a plastic bag (zip-lock, if you have it), and place your iphone in with the rice in a dry place (not in the sun!). Leave the bag open. The rice will act as a drying agent, sucking moisture out of the unit. (*Note: do not use brown rice unless it's all you have, as it tends to leave a dusty residue that can get inside the unit).

5) Leave your iphone in the bag for 2 days.

6) On the 3rd day, place the bag of rice with your iphone on a piece of warm electronics. I put it on the warmest part of my laptop. The gentle heat will help to evaporate moisture in the unit. Be sure your laptop is not turned off and does not hibernate while your iphone is on it. Leave it there for one day.

8) At this point you will probably notice moisture has collected on the inside wall of the plastic bag. THIS IS GOOD. This means that water that was previously inside the unit is now outside the unit.

9) Remove the iPhone from the rice bag. You will no longer need the rice. Wipe off the iphone and place it back on your laptop.

10) Leave it on the laptop for another 2 days.

***At this point I must stress the importance of patience. Resist any urges to try to turn your iPhone on until it has gone through the above steps. It needs at least 5-7 days to dry out, no less.

11) Try to turn your iPhone on. Unless it was submerged for more than 10 seconds or you did something wrong, it should work fine. Every feature on mine worked (Buttons/Switches - on/off, volume, silent/ring, home; Touchscreen; Phone - speaker, microphone, bottom speakers; Wireless; Camera, etc.)

Even though my phone works I still have an appointment at the Apple Store GeniusBar tonight to see if they can do a diagnostic and tell me my options regarding any problems I may have in the future as a result of my negligence, etc. I will post the outcome of my appt.

Hope this helps.
great info guys....people really dont see that most of the time, the dropping it in the water does not damage it...its turning it on right afterwards that does.

Mind you i said MOSTLY, not always. Hell, its worth a try though...
The rice or silicon packs are the best idea. Put them in a plastic bag so its not continuously absorbing air from the outside.

When the 3G first came out, I dropped it in the pool, at a night club. I dove in to get it. Took it apart (while drunk), while looking at a youtube video on how to do it. Removed all the water (and there was quite a bit on the inside). Reassembled it the next day and its been over a year and no problems. That phone is largely deligated to a backup now though, although it still works fine.
Now that turning it off after getting it wet has been beaten into the ground, here's the problem with that....there's no sure way of turning it off because you can't remove the battery. My wife's phone got wet and REFUSED to turn off. It absolutely would not. If I tried to turn it off, it would go through the motions, power down and then power back up and end up at the home screen again. It recovered after a week in a bag of rice but the only time it actually powered down completely was three days later when the battery ran down. Reason #37 why a non-removable battery is a horrid design, in my opinion.
Soapy water removes resin based soldering flux?

And to think, all these years my employers have been using solvents such as Acetone in a post soldering wash to remove the flux. Ask them what kind of soap they use that won't leave a residue behind, and also what kind of flux.

Some individual chips are sealed and thus can withstand a liquid bath in a static unpowered mode. An iPhone *might* survive a water soaking if it is dropped in the water in an OFF state, and is allowed to completely dry out BEFORE attempting to repower, an iPhone that is dunked in a Powered ON state probably won't be so lucky. Strange things can happen internally to electronic components when shorted externally.
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