Hey guys,
New to the forum, but been a reader for long time. Today I dropped my iphone 5s, a long drop from a shelf, and after that my screen responsiveness is completely off. Now, the screen has no scratches, the display is perfectly fine (I guess by the look of it), and the phone itself works fine. It's just that when you put your finger the phone doesn't react-- for the most part. I'd say it's three equal parts of working (but for no longer than one minute), not responding at all, and doing whatever the phone wants to do (opening apps, dialing numbers, sending messages...). Sometimes when i touch it on one side, I'll see another app highlighting, as if the screen though I was pressing on that icon, but I'm not.
I can use Siri to open up apps and perform tasks, but sometimes it acts as if I was swiping down fast, so it becomes difficult (this is something it does quite often). Even when I'm not touching it, the phone will randomly open apps etc.
If I lock it then I'm fine, it doesn't unlock itself. When I do get it to work, it does work perfectly, and wifi works and such. It's just the responsiveness.
I've read it could be the screen has some cable unplugged from the fall, but I wanted to know if anyone has any ideas as to what it could be. I have an appointment at the apple store but I don't know if I'm going to be charged or if they'll have to keep the phone for days (which would suck).
So far, I've turned off/on, forced restart with home button/power button, restored from previous backup, and upgraded to ios9. Nothing works. Granted, all of this takes enormous amounts of energy and time.
Thanks in advance! Even if you don't know the fix, just info about what it could be and what it will cost/how long it will take would be helpful.
New to the forum, but been a reader for long time. Today I dropped my iphone 5s, a long drop from a shelf, and after that my screen responsiveness is completely off. Now, the screen has no scratches, the display is perfectly fine (I guess by the look of it), and the phone itself works fine. It's just that when you put your finger the phone doesn't react-- for the most part. I'd say it's three equal parts of working (but for no longer than one minute), not responding at all, and doing whatever the phone wants to do (opening apps, dialing numbers, sending messages...). Sometimes when i touch it on one side, I'll see another app highlighting, as if the screen though I was pressing on that icon, but I'm not.
I can use Siri to open up apps and perform tasks, but sometimes it acts as if I was swiping down fast, so it becomes difficult (this is something it does quite often). Even when I'm not touching it, the phone will randomly open apps etc.
If I lock it then I'm fine, it doesn't unlock itself. When I do get it to work, it does work perfectly, and wifi works and such. It's just the responsiveness.
I've read it could be the screen has some cable unplugged from the fall, but I wanted to know if anyone has any ideas as to what it could be. I have an appointment at the apple store but I don't know if I'm going to be charged or if they'll have to keep the phone for days (which would suck).
So far, I've turned off/on, forced restart with home button/power button, restored from previous backup, and upgraded to ios9. Nothing works. Granted, all of this takes enormous amounts of energy and time.
Thanks in advance! Even if you don't know the fix, just info about what it could be and what it will cost/how long it will take would be helpful.