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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Apr 6, 2006
Nassau, Bahamas
This is more of a hypothetical situation, but it'll be useful for the future. I want a DSLR. However, I know that many kit lenses are less than fantastic. I've read articles that advise the buyer to purchase the camera body only, and buy a better lens. Now, if I were to do this I'd only be able to afford 1 relatively inexpensive lens. What kind of lens should I get if it would be my primary lens? I use the zoom a fair bit on my prosumer point and shoot, so should I get a lens with a higher zoom, or should I buy a better lens with less zoom? Any advice is appreciated!


macrumors G5
Jan 5, 2006
Redondo Beach, California
This is more of a hypothetical situation, but it'll be useful for the future. I want a DSLR. However, I know that many kit lenses are less than fantastic. I've read articles that advise the buyer to purchase the camera body only, and buy a better lens.

Some of the kit lenses are quite good but possably unsuited to some specialized type of photography. For example the Nikon 18-55 "kit" lens works well for many uses. Yes I can list a few reasons why I didn't buy it

If you don't intend to ever manually focus the lens or use a circular polarizing filter then my reasons don't aply to you. But maybe you are into bicycle racing (I'm not) so you'd want a different lens then the one I bought.

I think you should look at the "kit" lens as a starting place and if you can't say why it's unsuitable for your needs buy it. Once you get into specialized kinds of photography (Animals, Sports, Landscapes) then everyones needs are slightly different and there is no "Best".

There are plety of reasons why you'd want a different lens. One might be that there are some subjects you'd like to photograph that you can't get physically close to for whatever reason so you need a longer lens. Of maybe you want to shoot indoors with exsting light?
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